Would using subdomains instead of TLDs cause any errors in WHM? I've successfully used subdomains instead of TLD's but I just need to be sure. The subdomain would have access to cPanel and all of those features.

Hey bluz,

I'm curious. What is WHM? and cPanel? These are specific apps you are talking about?

Thanks for clarifying.


Would using subdomains instead of TLDs cause any errors in WHM? I've successfully used subdomains instead of TLD's but I just need to be sure. The subdomain would have access to cPanel and all of those features.

WHM is web host manager and is used by resellers to create accounts with cPanel. cPanel is uh a control panel for your site. YOu can read more at http://www.cpanel.net/ :cool:

Hi Bluz, you can use sub-ds in WHM without a problem. You have 2 main choices:

1. Create the sub in WHM. It will have it's own cPanel and most of the features of a full domain account. This seems to be what you want.

2. You can also create subs in cPanel. This is more of a 'bare bones' sub, doesn't have its own cPanel etc.

Hi Bluz, you can use sub-ds in WHM without a problem. You have 2 main choices:

1. Create the sub in WHM. It will have it's own cPanel and most of the features of a full domain account. This seems to be what you want.

2. You can also create subs in cPanel. This is more of a 'bare bones' sub, doesn't have its own cPanel etc.

Thanks. :cool:

Hi Bluz, you can use sub-ds in WHM without a problem. You have 2 main choices:

1. Create the sub in WHM. It will have it's own cPanel and most of the features of a full domain account. This seems to be what you want.

2. You can also create subs in cPanel. This is more of a 'bare bones' sub, doesn't have its own cPanel etc.

Can you tell us how to Create the sub in WHM?

Can you tell us how to Create the sub in WHM?

All you have to do through WHM is instead of using a full TLD on the create account screen is to put a subdomain from yoursite that isn't already made.

All you have to do through WHM is instead of using a full TLD on the create account screen is to put a subdomain from yoursite that isn't already made.

you mean like http://sub.mydomain.com?

O my god I did not know it's posible. Now Is there anyway to have a script that can signup member without you doing all the work?
I mean like http://www.domain.com/signup.php

Now Is there anyway to have a script that can signup member without you doing all the work?

This script will create subdomain in WHM.
Just pass username for new account, password, subdomain, and plan (package).

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