I have a cable modem supplied by my ISP that I have a Trendnet TEW-432BRP wireless router connected to. This router supplies one desktop pc (Trendnet USB Wireless adapter) and one wired desktop and everything works perfectly. What I want to do is connect another desktop pc to the network but it is in an area where running Cat5 cable is impossible and it is only temporary so purchasing a PCI wireless adapter is wasting money. I have another Linksys WRT150N wireless router and I would like to connect it to the Trendnet wireless and then run a cable to the extra desktop pc. IS this possible? Connecting to wireless routers together without using Cat5? The 2 routers would only be 40 feet apart.
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks
PS. All pc's are running XP Pro except the one I want to add which is Windows Me (for now)