Hi all, I am new here and I having a real problem with my internet connection. We have two computers connected to the internet in our house through one router with an Ethernet switch. My brothers computer works fine and he can view all websites etc and all is well, however my computer has problems viewing 99% on websites.
I have ruled out the possibility of it being a fault with the actual ethernet connection since I tried his CPU box on my ethernet cable and it works fine. Something is obviously wrong with my box that is causing these problems. I would appreciate any help on how I can fix these problems. I have uninstalled AVG completely and disables windows firewall and I still have the same problem. Please do keep in mind that I can visit a few websites with no problem such as GMAIL TRADEME.CO.NZ google DANIWEB etc but cannot visit almost 99% of websites on the internet.
Any help will be great.