Hello, I`m having a bit of a problem on my laptop (I`m using a different computer to write this). I Completely rebooted the computer so it would be fresh and fast agian, but now I can't seem to connect the internet. I am at a constant 400.0 Mbps, status is connected. I have a router going to both computers so its not the router (or else this comp wouldn't work).
Here's a list of what I tried so far.

-uninstall reinstall tcp/ip.
-winsock fix
-set up a new connection
-tried to install drivers to make the "?" go away beside ethernet/network controllers.
-changed wires from router.
-ip config /all
-repair the connection (says, "failed to query TCP/IP settings of the connection")
-tried a fix in CMD ip reset all etc.

So as you can see I'm desperate. I tried downloading drivers for the computer off toshibas website but under device manager it still doesn't recognize an ethernet or network controller.

Under +IEEE 1394 Bus host controllers
-Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
Under +Network Adapters
-1394 Net Adapter

I dont think either of those things will help me connect to the internet. My computer specs are as fallows:

Toshiba Satellite A100-PSAA8C-0FH00E
I've installed the Lan driver which is supposed to be for my system from the toshiba
site(lan-xp-56213042005.zip) (2.31 MB) But still no recognized ethernet/network controllers, please, any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance to any1 who at least took the time to read this.


It may be that there is an IRQ conflict.
You may want to remove (uninstall) the errant device in Device Manager.
After removal - restart.
After restart open the Device Manager and update the Driver.
You may have to browse for the driver(s).
This would be in the folder where you unzipped the driver(s)- or if it is a *.exe after unzipping, then proceed with the installation as directed.
Then restart.
Hopefully,this will do the trick.

Thanks for the quick reply I wish I could have got back to you sooner but I've been crazy busy with school.
I tried what you said but when I restard the Computer it says new hardware found and even if I say no to installing it, or dont even answer at all, it still says both the "Ethernet Controller" and "Network Controller" are both still there in the Device manager settings...
I`m going to keep toying around with some things if you got any other suggestions toss them this way I appreciate all the help I can get.

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