Just a few doubts regarding networking..

have completed my ccna last year and now thinking of preparing for CCSP...

can any one help me on where to start or what type of basics should i have to read as i ama basically a system admin...

any help would be greatly appreciated

I believe it is actually called the ccnp... not exactly sure. You're ahead of me there, anyway. If you could find a little tech college somewhere you could get some nice coursework. Either that or go to cisco.com and look up the ccnp there. They've got everything you need, I'm sure.

Thanks for the reply...:)

my doubt is wether ccnp is required tom take up ccsp...as per CISCO site the require a ccna...so i thought might go for it.

And also been browsing for online course material but unable to find it.:(

Heard all 5 papers are really tough so still searching for where to start ....:'(

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