I have a linksys router with the computers (2) pluged into it port 1 and 2. I have a wireless netgear router pluged into the linksys port 3 from the netgear WAN port, I need to find a way to get to the router config on the netgear, it does not respond to the default address I guess do to the linksys router being in frontof it. and as far as I can tell the wireless part does work I just need a way to get into the netgear router to change things without haveing to unplug the netgear from the linksys and pluging it direct to the computer I can get to the config on the linksys just fine and the linksys has to be first it is also by TA for the broadband phone the netgear is the router I was useing first but still want to hook it up for the wireless.
Thank you