A quick query. To connect my Wii to the internet i use a Nintendo dongle.

McAfee firewall blocked it.

i looked up in the McAfee "Network" tab the ip address of my PC and the Wii, which was now shown in the diagram.

I added the Wii number to the trusted list, and now it works.

BUT i have noticed another IP address when i click the little computers in the task bar.

Whic is correct ? Seems McAfee picks up the local IP address.

By using this, have i opened my pc to others whop may share that address ?

Should i ring my internet provider to get a more specific IP address for the Wii ?


You need to explain your network where is mcafee insalled on your computer that should have nothing to do with the wii going out to the internet that would be a router issue unless internet is feeding through your computer

yes, internet is fed to the Wii through the PC - the dongle attaches to a USB port in the pc, and the Wii connects to the dongle wirelessly.


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