Hello all! advice would be appreciated!!
I setup a network at my home with 2000 Server.
On that server, DHCP, DNS is enabled.
IP address configured on all workstation & server.
Scope is enabled. Reservations Enabled. All is activated and authorized.
Router DHCP is disabled.
Active directory is setup for users/ computers.
Netgear Router w/ access point.
Here is my dillema.
I have a WIRELESS CARD installed on my workstation. On administrator, I added workstation to the domain (adding workstation to a domain) and automatically receive DNS/ DHCP configurations. All works well and is assinged IP address, DNS assigned, DHCP enabled, etc...
When on workstation and trying to add workstation to a domain, it prompts for domain name. I typed that in correctly. Next prompts for admin / pw.
I type the Srv. admin and PW. Then it states, you pc must restart to take affect. I did so.
Now when I restart the computer and try to log into the network, I get Domain unavailble.
My thinking is that maybe when logged into Windows computer (not domain), my pc is able to conncect to the access point. But when logging into windows, the wireless card i have isnt connecting to the access point. And will only connect when the workstation is on. Is that wrong thinking?
Or what am i doing wrong? Here is what i have troublshooted.
I can see the workstations in Network properties on my server. I can log into the domain with a user account on OTHER workstations directly connected to the router (which cancells out the possiblitles of user/ rights). PLus the IP leases are stated in the DHCP admin tool. And when logged into the machine, not network, i can ping all IP addresses (servers, other workstations, etc)
ANyone could assist me, i would greatly appreciate the help.