Hello all! advice would be appreciated!!

I setup a network at my home with 2000 Server.
On that server, DHCP, DNS is enabled.
IP address configured on all workstation & server.
Scope is enabled. Reservations Enabled. All is activated and authorized.
Router DHCP is disabled.
Active directory is setup for users/ computers.
Netgear Router w/ access point.

Here is my dillema.
I have a WIRELESS CARD installed on my workstation. On administrator, I added workstation to the domain (adding workstation to a domain) and automatically receive DNS/ DHCP configurations. All works well and is assinged IP address, DNS assigned, DHCP enabled, etc...

When on workstation and trying to add workstation to a domain, it prompts for domain name. I typed that in correctly. Next prompts for admin / pw.
I type the Srv. admin and PW. Then it states, you pc must restart to take affect. I did so.

Now when I restart the computer and try to log into the network, I get Domain unavailble.

My thinking is that maybe when logged into Windows computer (not domain), my pc is able to conncect to the access point. But when logging into windows, the wireless card i have isnt connecting to the access point. And will only connect when the workstation is on. Is that wrong thinking?

Or what am i doing wrong? Here is what i have troublshooted.
I can see the workstations in Network properties on my server. I can log into the domain with a user account on OTHER workstations directly connected to the router (which cancells out the possiblitles of user/ rights). PLus the IP leases are stated in the DHCP admin tool. And when logged into the machine, not network, i can ping all IP addresses (servers, other workstations, etc)

ANyone could assist me, i would greatly appreciate the help.


My thinking is that maybe when logged into Windows computer (not domain), my pc is able to conncect to the access point. But when logging into windows, the wireless card i have isnt connecting to the access point. And will only connect when the workstation is on. Is that wrong thinking?

The way you've stated your question is more than a bit unclear, but if this is of any help:

I have a very similar setup (Netgear RT314 router, Linksys WAP11 access point, 1 DC and 3 workstations wired to RT314, 1 laptop connecting via WAP11), and I have no issues related to the access point in terms of Domain vs. Wokstation logons on the laptop.

1. On the workstation, can you log on to the domain under other valid domain user accounts, or do you get the "domain unavailable" messages regardless of which account you try?

2. Do the event/system logs on either the workstaion or the DC contain any messages/errors that might give us more specific clues as to the "domain unavailable" error?

3. What exact versions of Windows are involved here?

4. Double/triple check the network-related settings on the workstation for errors or omissions.

Hello Thanks for responding!
regardless of the acct i log in with, i get domain unavailable. But Before that restart, i am able to add the workstation ot the domain. Because it states successful, and prompts for a restart.

I am running xp pro on the client and 2000 server.

Question 2 i am unsure of. But IPconfig /all evertying is entirely correct.

thanks and hope to hear back!!

1. The "Welcome to the domain" message is a bit premature; it basically means that the workstation has been readied to join the domain, but the actual changes in your configurations won't happen until the reboot.

2. Double-check your setups for the workstation and user accounts on the DC.

3. I know this may seem redundant, but can you please walk through the procedures described in the following link and let us know the results. If you encounter any errors/problems during the procedure, please tell us exactly what they are and where in the process they occur:


Hello DMR

I checked the link as stated and I did everything as stated. I know for a fact, i went over it over and over again.

IM starting to believe that it has something to do with my wireless connection.
Im also thinking that since windows has not fully loaded, Im unable to access the Wireless access point thus not letting me log into the domain.
Or since i have several available wireless networks, its not choosing "my WAP" thus not finding the domain..

I really dont know.

Please let me know if you have any more suggestions..

Thanks again.

Or since i have several available wireless networks, its not choosing "my WAP" thus not finding the domain..

Oh well crikey, if you'd said that in the first place.... :)

Obviously- if you have more than one wifi network available and your computer decides to connect to a network other than the one associated with your domain's network, you are going to have problems. This is actually fairly common when people who use wireless connections are in areas where multiple wifi networks of sufficient signal-strength are available- the computer may just jump onto the first available network it finds. If the network is open/unsecured and your computer is configured for DHCP, you might never notice the difference unless you checked your WiFi card's status utility to see which specific network you were actually on.

Try this for starters, if the computer in question has an Ethernet connection:

1. Disable the Wireless connection on the computer.

2. Enable the Ethernet connection and make sure it's set for DHCP.

3. Connect the computer directly to the router using an Ethernet cable and see if you join the domain.

Hmm.. Well I wish my Netgear utility would only choose one and one only!!
it states several when all i need is on = ). I have to find a way to select one WAP consistently. I am wondering if the Wireless Nic is even active during the logon prompt?? Maybe its just not active until windows loads? But that does me no good.

I do have WEP enabled though. But i find this all very strange.
this is such a headache.. thanks

Give us the exact makes/model numbers of your Wifi/network devices. Each of those devices have their own config utilities; if we know which exact devices you have we can give you specific instructions on how to configure them to connect properly.

Wireless NIC: WG311 V2
ROuter: MR 814

Hope this helps.. Hope i set them up right!! THX

DMR.. i figured it out...

I uninstalled the utility that came with the wireless NIC.
I used the windows wireless network setup wizard. I typed the information, SSID, WEP key, etc, and set the properties to always connect to this SSID/ Domain.

And what do you know, it worked out fine.

Assumingly, that the utility does not load a WAP until windows starts. It searches for available WAP. But the Windows utility, works better and logs into the domain everytime.

Thansk for your help!!! take care.

Sorry I couldn't respond earlier, but I'm glad you got it sorted.

Actually, what you encountered isn't too uncommon on XP systems. XP's own Wireless Zero Configuration utility can often conflict/contend with the manufacturer-supplied install/config utilities that come with WiFi NICS. The instructions for some NICs say to disable Wireless Zero before installing, while others will tell you to install the NIC using Windows' Found New Hardware and Wireless Zero utilities; go figure. For your particular model of Negear card, they mention a bit about this at the beginning of chapter 3 of the full User's Manual.

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