Hi, I currently have vpn running between 2 linksys befvp41's successfuly. I have several users that travel with laptops that would like vpn capability that don't want to carry routers with them. Does anyone have a vpn software solution that is compatible with the befvp41? I know the cisco vpn client software is not compatible. Thanks in advance!


I actually got two versions of client software to work!

That could be useful information to someone else in the future, would you mind posting the software client and versions that worked for you?

Never could make windows xp vpn client work. Even Linksys said not to use it. I was able to make the trial version of "GreenBow" work with a little effort. SSH Sentinal also worked with a little more effort. Greenbow was the easiest as the terminology is nearly the same as linksys. The SSH Sentinal is differeent and you really have to read carefully and interperet to get it to work.

open vpn..best vpn software for free

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