My local lan uses static ip's. The local server will only allow access from the local lan and a specific lan outside the local one. Example: The local lan is on If I VPN to it using my laptop with dhcp from a remote location, I cannot connect to the server. If I set up a router at the remote location and configure my laptop with a static ip on network I can then access anything on the local lan from the remote lan. This is ok when I'm at a wired internet location...except...I sometimes stay at hotels that offer wireless only internet connection. I need to be able to set up my laptop at these locations to recieve the free internet and have my laptop set to the proper network to allow access. Can anyone offer a suggestion? I can't think of an equipment or software solution.

Wired or wireless should not make a difference.

What VPN do you use? There something amiss, because the VPN tunnel should allow you to set up a private IP from the main system. i.e. you should be able to put a static internal IP into the VPN client on your portable.

In essence you would have two IP addresses. One to establish the Internet connection, and the second riding on top of the VPN tunnel.

(Why do you have static IPs on every machine instead of DHCP/bootp?!)

Currently using 2 befvp41's for the more permanent locations. The laptop uses ssh sentinal. To be able to use the wireless network from a hotel I have to set the laptop to dhcp to recieve an IP. If I static it with an IP from the network that works then I can't connect to the hotel.

We currently have 4 servers with different programs on our network so can't use dhcp.

Currently using 2 befvp41's for the more permanent locations. The laptop uses ssh sentinal. To be able to use the wireless network from a hotel I have to set the laptop to dhcp to recieve an IP. If I static it with an IP from the network that works then I can't connect to the hotel.

We currently have 4 servers with different programs on our network so can't use dhcp.

Does ssh Sentinal have a config file? That is what I recall, and that was a loooong time ago. There are subsections in the file like "Phase 1" and "Phase 2", etc. In this file you can define what you want done. For example you can tell it that in phase one use DHCP, then in phase two use an IPSec client, and use a second DHCP or static IP but through the tunnel from a specific IPSec connection.

Phase 1 and 2 set the location, encryption and key. I will check further and report back.

AHH!!! Within the SSH Sentinel VPN settings was a place called "Aquire Virtual IP" It allowed me to put in an ip for the proper network and allowed connection to the server! Thank you for pointing me in the correct direction!

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