My laptop power all of the sudden turned off. I was able to reboot the computer, but now it keeps shutting itself off about every five minutes. Does anyone have any tips on what I should be looking for or what component might be going bad and needs replacement. I am lost on this one. Appreciate all the help. Thanks.

My laptop power all of the sudden turned off. I was able to reboot the computer, but now it keeps shutting itself off about every five minutes. Does anyone have any tips on what I should be looking for or what component might be going bad and needs replacement. I am lost on this one. Appreciate all the help. Thanks.

Any error messages? Is it running hotter than normal? Have you checked the event log(I assume Win2k or XP). If you have not checked the event log, start>settings>control panel>administrative tools>event viewer>system log ... look for anything that says error or warning

I assume you have checked the power settings? You donĀ“t say if this is a new computer but laptops can do this if the settings are too short...just a possible for you to check...

is it going through the shutdown process, or just turning off like there was a loss of power?

I had a laptop that would turn off randomly, turned out to be a cold soder connection on the mobo.

Thanks for the responses. The computer is about two years old. I am running XP so I will check the event log. There is no warning to it shutting off. It just turns off as the screen will go blank. Thanks for all the help I will try to run these tips down.

Most Gateway laptops have one things in common (two, if you count the fact that teh suck). The power jack often comes disconnected from the modem. The easiest way to check is to wiggle the male connector ( :cheesy: ) and if you can find an angle where it accepts power then your jack is going bad. I had a gateway laptop where the entire jack broke loose from the motherboard. I resoldered a new jack on and I haven't had problems with it since.

If either of these are the case you can order a jack from laptopjacks.com (this is a common problem) and resolder it yourself or pay your local computer shop to do it for you.

Also, Gateway batteries are sensitive. Your battery could cease to be as well.

Re. the power-outages - this happened frequently on my solo 9100 - particularly when in the car (used as a satnav system). The fix turned out to be insanely easy. The screws holding the screen together (and the button-board immediately above the keyboard had loose screws. Peel off the plastic caps, tighten the screws. No more cut-out.

Re. the power-outages - this happened frequently on my solo 9100 - particularly when in the car (used as a satnav system). The fix turned out to be insanely easy. The screws holding the screen together (and the button-board immediately above the keyboard had loose screws. Peel off the plastic caps, tighten the screws. No more cut-out.

Wow what a great tip!!!! I had the same problem with my solo 5300. It wouldn't charge the battery, and would turn off without warning. I just tightened two screws on the bottom near the back. They were way loose. Now my battery is charging and no signs of the computer turning off. Thanks a ton for that one!!!!!

this could also be the processor fan needing replaced if it does not properly cool the processor chip te computer automatically will power down when overheated

Any error messages? Is it running hotter than normal? Have you checked the event log(I assume Win2k or XP). If you have not checked the event log, start>settings>control panel>administrative tools>event viewer>system log ... look for anything that says error or warning

What if there is error messages and warnings? how do you get rid of them?

why is my gateway laptop is always shut down about 1 hours . ? can u help me how to repair it ?

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