Background: I had 2 networked NT machines: 1 crashed so I decided to "bite the bullet" and rebuild it with XP. After much hair pulling I finally got the XP machine to see and access the NT box. Then I went to work trying to get the NT box to see the XP machine.
What happened: Since the NT box came with hardware/software fully installed, I looked at the original documentation to find NIC specifics (i.e., 3COM 3C900 PCI) so that's the driver I downloaded from 3COM. Following 3COM's instructions, I removed the NIC from Network>Adapters, protocalls from Network>Protocalls, and rebooted. I then tried to add the NIC (Network>Adapters>Add>HaveDisk) but got "Network card is not present in the system."
However, ControlPanel>Devices showed that the NIC was actually a 3COM 3C59X Bus Master. Oops. So, I repeated the procedure, this time selecting a 3COM 3C59X from the list of adapters and getting the driver from the original NT CD, but I got the same failure message.
Now, both adapters show up in ControlPanel>Devices.
1. I assume the 3COM 3C59X is responsible for NT not being able to see XP? But, if that's true, how could XP see NT? BTW 3COM does not have new drivers for the 3C59X.
2. I suppose I'll have to install a new NIC?
3. What did I do wrong?
4. How do I get rid of the 2 devices?