hi there

would like to know how to block certain users from accessing the internet on their computers. i am new to server 2003 and have been working on basic networks using windows xp in the past


neil webb

Use some kind of group policy ..


do you not want them to access the internet at all? or only certain sites... if you have router,i believe you can just set up a access-list 150 deny list for the ip address's of the peoples computers you want to block, but if you need them to be able to access certain sites then you would need to set up some reservations as well..


If your server is not in the default route path of the internet at your location, you can do everything possible to it, and it will not phase your audience, except perhaps to policy out IE and network settings, but someone who is creative enough can bring the required programs in on CD.

One thing that I liked to do with workstations that did not need internet access was to give them IP numbers in a subnet that would not route to the internet. WIthout a gateway and other materials, the computer would not know how to find the internet.


how to block internet service to users from server 2003 and how to configure OU please help me but we dont have router we have only switches 5 no's

Thanks for this information.
I want to know how it is possible.
Can you help in to blocking the internet success on my own computer.
I want to tell that a person use my computer but i can't ask him to don't use my computer. I agree that he use my computer but i don't agree he also access my internet.

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