Hiii m final year b.tech student...i want some ideas for 1 yr. project on linux networking,networking and security....

a project that will take one year? that would have be quite a large project. Most configurations should only take a few months of work at most (on one server anyway). Could checkout the various firewall projects to start: pfsense, m0n0wall

Hi i am also in my final year... Perhaps we could work together and share ideas.My degree is in computer networking and i want to do my final year project in the security field.Presently i am thinking of doing a research in DES/AES then implement an application utilizing this algorithm ...Contact me on my email SNIP

HI i m also a final year student..and m also interested in doing a project in networking... please give some ideas...
Am thinking of doing file encryption using DES/triple DES algorirhm ...

So, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious: what would be the wider academic value of writing a program that encrypts with an existing technique (outside of a greater personal understanding)?

Network Protocol Analyzer(Also For p2p Traffic) is Good option

iam finalyear students in cse department . i kindly request toidea for the my one year project on .net

iam finalyear students in cse department . i kindly request toidea for the my one year project on .net

VB.net ? You can build a Biometric Attendance System or Neural Network Application.You can research on that first.

i was made Network Protocol Analyzer(Also For p2p Traffic)
in .net u can made it!

please give me project ideas......

@jadhav vijay u can made language translater with voice but cant use hardware made it pure software

hi i'm making a differential cryptanalysis algorithm on DES , it will depend on genetics ......but i want to make something special so is there any ideas ?????

hai i m final IT student . i m going to do a mini project on editor window

hello is anybody here????


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