I have 1 desktop comp at home running xp pro. Then I have 3 laptops. 1 with 7, 1 with xp pro and 1 with vista. I was always able to access the desktop from all the laptops until....

The desktop was not allowing me to upgrade to internet explorer 8. When I searched for a solution on microsoft's website, they suggested using a fixit or whatever. It had something to do with security settings. I ran the fixit thingy and then I was able to successfully install ie8. But I was unable to access anything on the desktop from the laptops, including the printer. I can access all of the laptops from the desktop. But cannot access the desktop from any of the laptops, when i try double clicking on the computer icon for the desktop from one of the laptops i get a pop-up window that says i don't have permission to access the computer.

first check that your pc is is connected to network. then check whether it is in same workgroup. check with ping command. and ensure that file sharing is on

first check that your pc is is connected to network. then check whether it is in same workgroup. check with ping command. and ensure that file sharing is on

I tried all of those things with no luck. I ended up just wiping out the hard drive and doing a clean install of xp. Problem solved. Now I can run IE8 and all the computers in my home are speaking to one another.

I've seen this issue before...obviously something has changed the permissions on internetwork communications.

The culprit, in my case, was Norton's. Whenever I bring on a computer, even a new one, onto my network, I make certain to get rid of Norton's, in the case of a new computer, even before I do anything else.

On the Symantec website, you can find a utility to wipe Norton's completely off the computer. zeroth

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