The weirdest thing ever happened to me today.. I am learning to program so I'm having my localhost etc. etc.

I was just viewing some internetpages about python in wikipedia, having my WAMP program running, and my mysql command promp.

Suddenly, my screen starts shaking, icons are switching, in the bottom of the screen all icons are switching 2 (running win7).

My desktop starts switching icons, I can't understand anything, I tried to shut off Wamp, and then quit my computer and start it up again. Now, all icons on my desktop are switched, but I really don't know what happend, can anyone just got in my localhost and ''fucked'' my computer up just for fun? Or is it my own fault that I did something wrong?

Some is screen sharing you and controlling your computer. Turn on your firewall to blcok all incoming connections and turn off screen sharing so other people cannot access and control your computer. I now un school after school i will give you more help

I got mcafee, can someone get into my computer with mysql, because I accidently put my mysql pw in a thread instead of 'example' because i was copy pasting. Oke after school can you please give me direct directions what to do? Can he have installed a keylogger or something or is this only screen control?

This morning i put on my computer, waiting for everything to load, blue screen says blabla system error. Computer shuts off, computer shuts on again, i click on enter Windows in Normal Mode, all icons are back and stuff?

But how can I prevent this? My firewall is on on macafee.

Use the built in windows firewall. Next go and turn off screen sharing. Backup your data on a external hard disk in case the chicken person strikes back and delete all your files. Better be safe than sorry. Your problem sound like a screen sharing one where people access your network and mess around with your conmputer but it can also be a virus related one. Follow the steps below

1) Turn on your firewall and block unneccessary connections so other people can access your laptop
2) Turn off screen sharing
3) Your network might not be secure enough. If you are using linksy go to the website, and change your network password to a more secure one. Secure password consist of uppercase and lowercase letter and numbers
4) Do a scan, use your anti virus software do a full scan and later use malware bytes to do a scan as well. Malware btyes is free and can be download at the malware bytes website. Click here
5) Be more specific. Tell us when does this happen and whether you are connecting to a private network or your internet network at that time.

Give me more information so i can provide you with the best solutions and follow my steps above and when you have done them, post back here and tell us your progress. Good luck and see ya!

Thanks for your answer, but i think i got the solution, my mysql database had a password that i had show here on the forms by accident. I think the problems lay there, i switched the password and all icons were fine. I hope everthing is solved now, im gonna follow the steps you provided when im home. Thanks!!

yes under windows xp has some openly share folders and few open ports by that you can be hacked

It's ok right now, just changed my pw from my MySQL, still want to know for sure I'm not having him on my computer. I'm going to follow your steps

2) Turn off screen sharing

How am I going to do this?

Could I have a keylogger? I do not have any important things on my computer, but still, if I put in my password for my email etc that would be not nice lol.

Keylogger is damn awesome. Some softwares provide a 3 day trial for their keylogger products and after that trial period you have to purchase it. Beware some keyloggers are not good as they seems to be, they can hardly keep track of what users type on your laptop. Best way is to try out different softwares trail period and after all these trying you select which software you think is the best, you can also ask me because i have a keylogger install on my macbook as well.

Sorry my mistake screen sharing is under desktop sharing. Go to desktop sharing and turn screen share off. I forget where desktop sharing is so i apologise for that. Try going to your control panel and find.

I do not want to own a keylogger, i want to know if my hacker could have keylogged me so now he gets logs from what i am typing? Why would you think i want a keylogger?

So to track whether the hacker keylogger. LOl. Just for safety precautions, in case when a hackers strikes he will fall into your trap. Your keylogger will detect him and see what he types. An IP trakcer would also be good if you want one. Not really neccessary, IP Tracker track the IP address of your hacker. So you know where he stay and can knock on his house doors. You stated there might be posibility a hacker could have keylog your data, could be true could be false. First why would the hacker want to do that and what is his motive, second if you have awesome anti virus they can detect keylogger and you can trace whether the keylogger belong to you. If not it belong the the hacker and the hacker might have taken your data. better safe than sorry, turn on your firewall and block other un-identified conenction so hacker cannot enter your laptop

Thanks for all your answers, you're a cool guy taking this time for this haha. Im going to read this very good when im home. I have macafee so that would be ok.

Your are welcome. Hope you can do the last two lines of my signature. Thanks

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