Just got my new comp back, so needed to setup my network again. However i had formatted the older one, so had to run network wizard again. Unfortunately i can only view/access files from OLD to NEW, i can not access my files on the older comp on the new one. it says access is denied. what must i do to make it work again? I have run the wizard a few times on each and nothing!

i think that it is becuase the old pc hasnt got the circled sharing packet thing! how do i install that?


EDIT: i fixed the file sharing thing and it did not work!

thanks in advance!

I recently found a good how-to document on fixing File and Printer Sharing. Check it out here. Let us know if this helped you out or not.

thanks...but i followed the whole thing, and no results :(

what are you'r OS's?
what firewall s/w are you running?

what are you'r OS's?
what firewall s/w are you running?

Xp Home on the new PC, XP Pro on the old!

ZoneAlarmSS on the new PC, nothing on the old (ICA disabled)!

Do you have Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) enabled on either machine?

See if you can browse the other machines shared files by refering to its IP address in explorer. Use the following format "\\ipAddress", such as "\\". If it works, you should see the shares available on that system.

also, even when you shutdown ZoneAarm (ZA) it often leaves a utility running called "vsmon.exe" - once you've disabled ZA (temporarily, for troubleshooting) go into taskmgr, check the processes tab and make sure vsmon in no longer running (ie, it's no longer listed).

thanks but nope...doesnt get in! doesnt do anything. "windows cannot find" in explorer and "filename or syntax incorrect" in command prompt!

thanks, i checked for this and didnt do anything. but ZoneAlarm asked me to apporve the network the first time (when it was working), so im not sure its that (but originally i thought so)!

Make sure that both pcs have File and Print sharing turned on (a checkmark next to them)

Make sure that XP's firewall and any other firewall, such as ZA, is turned off (it would be quite adviseable to make sure the network is physically unplugged from your ISP while your doing this troubleshooting, at least when you have the security features on the pcs disabled);

ping from the old pc to the new pc & post results

ping from the new pc to the old pc & post results

PING New to Old

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Peter Marceta>ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

C:\Documents and Settings\Peter Marceta>

PING old to new is same, nothing lost!


i dont know why buy i can get in this way now.

"\\\c\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Documents"

that and any path of a shared folder let me add/take files! YAY...but y not through my network places? is it because "\\" itself doesnt allow me to get in, so network places (which i presume would go to the highest [root] dir)?

i guess its kinda solved now...thanks again everyone.

well, it's a workaround, but it's not "fixed"

if u want to keep going 'til it's "fixed" then let us know (u could post the ping results from your new pc to the old pc as an indicator as well).

Good Luck!

Make sure NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled:


If you're getting access is denied, are you using Simple Filesharing on both systems? That usually indicates that the guest account is not enabled on the system that the access is being denied from.

Here's a great site to help out with Windows networking issues:

Windows XP Network Problem Solver

The page says it's SP1 specific, but it works for all version, from RTM to SP2.

That usually indicates that the guest account is not enabled on the system that the access is being denied from.

netBIOS is enabled.

just enabled a guest account on the other machine and no help...

that site didnt do it either...its whack how i can only access it the way i stated before!



The pings returned fine. Are there any firewalls installed on this system?

Here's another tip to try for your situation. If you can access by IP address, but not by name or through the Network Neighborhood, this might help:


look at my post in this topic above for ping!

thanks for hte link but Step 2: Start the Computer Browser service is fine and netbios is enabled on both!

look at my post in this topic above for ping!

thanks for hte link but Step 2: Start the Computer Browser service is fine and netbios is enabled on both!

wasn't that the ping from the Pro to the Home system - the one your not having a problem with?

The pings returned fine...

maybe, maybe not, as the "ping post" only contained the pings from one machine, not both.

both were sweet man...no loss no problems! infact both were identical expect numbers!

look at my post in this topic above for ping!

thanks for hte link but Step 2: Start the Computer Browser service is fine and netbios is enabled on both!

Sorry about that-- that wasn't the link I meant to push:


Give that one a shot.

Also, if one machine can ping the other, you're probably in pretty good shape.

Also, if one machine can ping the other, you're probably in pretty good shape.

most of the time yes, but not always. granted, and i agree w/you, that it makes sense that if you can successfully ping a target that the target should be able to successfully ping back, but i've seen it many a time that that wasn't the case.


let me recap where we are - obviously correct me if i'm wrong:

1) you can successfully ping from the XP Pro pc to the XP Home pc;
2) you can successfully ping from the XP Home pc to the XP Pro pc;
3) you have file and print sharing enable on both machines;
4) you have disabled the XP built-in firewall feature on both machines;
5) you have (temporarily) disabled the Zone Alarm (whatever version) firewall;
6) you're ensuring the "vsmon.exe" is NOT running on either machin once you've shutdown Zone Alarm;
7) you have both pc's in the same network workgroup;
8) you have both pc's in the same subnet (i.e. and


...A) you have not installed any other firewall software on either pc;
B) so, subsequently, you have not uninstalled any other firewall software from either pc;
C) there weren't communication schemes or network settings previously configured into either of the network cards and/or the router, respectively, that need to be deleted;
D) you don't have to specifically configure either of the network cards and/or the router, respectively, with your current communications scheme or network settings.

If you answered in the affirmative to ALL of the numbered inquiries and answered in the negative to ALL of the lettered inquiries then it's not a network-centric issue. In all probability it's a system(s) software issue - although I wouldn't rule out a system(s) hardware issue - either of which I'll have to leave it to others to assist you with. Obviously, if you've answered contrary to any of the questions try to correct the issue(s), and as always post an update.

I hope we all have a Happy Holiday season! :D

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