This may be quite out of business... while, this is my favorite forum, so i have no where else to go.

So, I have a gmail account for my technical letters a hotmail account for my personal emails, and a yahoo account for my business mails, and a junk account for registration... so is this good?

any advice?

i don't think you should have that many email accounts. At most two email account would be good enough. One for business the other one for personal use.

This may be quite out of business... while, this is my favorite forum, so i have no where else to go.

So, I have a gmail account for my technical letters a hotmail account for my personal emails, and a yahoo account for my business mails, and a junk account for registration... so is this good?

any advice?

That is a good choice for you, it keeps you organized in sending and receiving emails.

That is a good choice for you, it keeps you organized in sending and receiving emails.

I disagree with you, having to many emails is troublesome. If the password for all emails are the same it is easy to crack by anyone and a hacker. If the password are different for all email account, the user might not remembered them. If the user choose to store his account login information like password and username in a word document or other document, people can easily retrieve it and have access ti it unless your encrypt the document with a password.

But still depends on the user and his make the ultimate choice. Good luck dspjm:)

I have only two :gmail and yahoomail. On yahoo i have about 20 id's and on gmail only 2.

I have 3. One for personal use, one for utter spamming, and one for twitting...

Doesn't make any sense, does it?

But seriously, just two would be sufficient for regular internet user (personal and business) and one for light internet user. If you're paranoid, then 4 is best (personal, business, spam, and one for when other 3 fails)

Then again, having so many email account is not a big deal at all unless you like to stalk people a lot...

The perfect amount is three.

One for personal emails from friends and family.
One for business, work.
One for your junk, eg. Site newsletters, games, subscriptions.

commented: I agree +3
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