
I have a computer upstairs that I want to store everything off and then just be able to ssh into it.

I have port forwarded 20 to the IP address of the computer (on the router), and connect to it when I'm on my own router it works, however, as soon as I connect to a different router, it won't allow it.

Says "Connection timed out" Could this be a firewall issues? I'm really confused, please help.

Have you try port 22? Firewall can also cause the problem make sure your firewall or other security tools' settings are not blocking port 20. Run sshlocalhost and see whether the linux server is active ( as in receiving and sending connections )

I am forwarding port 20... And no, no firewalls are connected.. I'm on Mac and turned all the security off (to try it) and still getting the "Connection timeout"

Are both computers mac. What is your current version. Are you using the terminal for ssh or other third party sofrwares?

Yeah, both are running macs and using terminal to access it.

Would it be that I'm using wifi? Someone said something about Wifi?


Yes, I am. I'm using the IP address of the computer, it's strange.. Will let me connect on localhost, but nothing else?

So did you follow the steps in the link and try again. Check with other macs to see if they are having any problems. Maybe using your friend or family macbook if they have one.

Before trying to ssh to the machine, first see if you can ping it. If you can not ping it then the problem is not an ssh problem, but a routing problem.
If you can not reach the remote host you need to look at any of your routing tables, firewalls, or VLAN configurations on the router.

Before trying to ssh to the machine, first see if you can ping it. If you can not ping it then the problem is not an ssh problem, but a routing problem.
If you can not reach the remote host you need to look at any of your routing tables, firewalls, or VLAN configurations on the router.

Wow, you are awesome. :D
If you are using mac, use the network utility and try pinging. Search spotlight for the application. Although, i hardly doubt firewall will be the cause of problem. Mac built in firewall won't cause this problem and is most likely the doing of other firewall application. AV firewall can cause you unable to ssh. Intego have already known to cause such problem.

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