Trying to determine if my Linksys router is bad or not.

Internet through Insight

Arris cable modem with Linksys router.

PC connects to internet fine through wired connection from router.

PS3 game system won't connect via wireless or wired connection. DNS error.

Phone won't connect to wireless. Used to work with no problem

Can not connect to Linksys via

Have completed a factory reset on router.

So, to recap, your PC accesses the internet ok, but your PS3 does not? Is your PS3 configured to use as the gatewey? What is it configured to use for the DNS server? Can you change that?

So, to recap, your PC accesses the internet ok, but your PS3 does not? Is your PS3 configured to use as the gatewey? What is it configured to use for the DNS server? Can you change that?

Sorry my brain was fried should have been more clear.

What I think I need to do first is a firmware upgrade on the router. It won't answer when I try to access it through a broswer at

I just did a factory reset on the router so it should respond to that IP address.

Sorry my brain was fried should have been more clear.

What I think I need to do first is a firmware upgrade on the router. It won't answer when I try to access it through a broswer at

I just did a factory reset on the router so it should respond to that IP address.

Ok. You are correct in that the Linksys routers should default to when factory reset. I know that mine does - just checked it out (it is currently configured as a bridge as I also have a router at that provides our gateway to the internet). So, if resetting it (hold the reset button in for at least 10-20 seconds) still doesn't allow you to access the device via a web browser pointed to, the router may be (probably is) fubar and will need to be replaced.

And if you don't know the meaning of the term "fubar", it means "farked up beyond all repair/recognition"... :-)

And if you don't know the meaning of the term "fubar", it means "farked up beyond all repair/recognition"... :-)

Thanks.. and yes I know fubar and FARK!

So it's likely a bad router... It's just that I get a connection to the Internet through it on my PC but can't connect otherwise via wired or wireless... and can't console in to it to do a firmware upgrade...

Anyways thanks... just wanted to run it by someone before spending money on a replacement to see if there were any tips or tricks out there to get this thing kick started.

This is my first experience with DANIWEB.... I like it a lot!

So, how are you getting IP addresses for your PC and the other devices?

So, how are you getting IP addresses for your PC and the other devices?

The only device that work right now is the PC. It gets an IP address via DHCP. The phone and PS3 says 'Obtaining IP address: Successful. Then it tests the internet connection and says: failed. The phone also show a successful connection to the router but then won't connect to the Internet.

Linksys won't provide free tech support on the router due to its age but said it likely needs a firmware upgrade. Sony tech support on the PS3 said the gaming ports likely need to be turned on.

I can't do either because the router won't let me access it from a browser. I did a factory reset on the router (and I know it worked because the name of the router changed back to the default Linksys name with no security).

So likely a bad router I just don't want to spend the money if there is anything else I can try to get into this router and do a firmware upgrade and maybe get it back in gear.

Thanks for you help.


Well, a firmware update won't hurt (probably). I've updated my in the past. And sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and buy a new model... :-( In any case, you can get them for under $50 USD.

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