I am interested in a carrer in networking, but I don't know much besides setting up the standard router/WPA-PSK. I thought the best way to dive into this field was to do just that, and dive in!
So I got onto a computer that had a clean copy of Windows 2003, and began to toy around with DHCP. Needless to say, I didn't get very far. I got it set up according to http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/DHCP_Server_Windows_2003.html
that tutorial.
Now im not sure what exactly to put for the values in that tutorial. Whenever it asked for DNS/Router, I put my routers IP address.
How would I set up another computer to use my servers DNS/DHCP instead of the routers?
Basically I want to recieve all the traffic from the computers in the house on my server, and then route it from my server, to the router. I only want the router to deal with my computer, not anyone else. All traffic should go through my server. (I assume this is how a regular server would act?)