I have my old work laptop that they let me keep and it still boots to logging in to the work network. That's works fine when I enter the old password and can access everything on the laptop.

What I'd like to do is remove the work network and just use it like a normal single user PC. What I don't want to do is lose access to all the programs I have installed. That would be a nightmare to reinstall everything. I have all the data backed-up on an external USB drive so no worries there.

I also have admin priv's and can also login as the admin with the admin password.

Any help? Should I post this in a different area?



The programs are not in the network that your computer used to. If those are not on the network and are on the comp it self then ur not going to lose those programs. But you should be able to remove the network in the "network connections" setting in the control panel, or u can just stop it from connecting.

Let me know if this helps

What I'd like to do is remove the work network and just use it like a normal single user PC.

If that is the case your laptop might be registered to some domain. in run type sysdm.cpl and in computer name tab remove the Domain name.

I also have admin priv's and can also login as the admin with the admin password.

As you are already having the Admin privileges then just log in as Administrator with the system name always. I think that would work fine. Let me know in case you face any other issues.

Thanks for the ideas.

All of the programs are installed on the laptop so that's a good thing.

The laptop is assigned to a domain "network.joyelectrical.com" and when the system starts you need to enter the password for that system. I tried taking the domain name out and then when the system started it still asks for the password and of course keeps saying it can log me in and does not go past it.

If I take the network out in the control panel will it eliminate that log in screnn and the problem of not being able to get past it?

Had to do a system restore last time to get back to where I could use it.



One other item:

I am trying to install a bluetooth program to get comm with my cell phone and can not. It keeps coming up with an error that it can not access network location \\main\mydocs\mkonovelchick. That's because this was a folder on a mapped network drive "S" on the server that I used to snyc my files to. Since the server does not exist it can not get there. These kind of problems pop up here and there and are the main reason I want to get this network to the domain off of here and have it as a normal PC.


Thanks for the ideas.

If I take the network out in the control panel will it eliminate that log in screnn and the problem of not being able to get past it?

Exactly not! If u need to take the network connection out nothing will happen as u assume. you need to take it out from the Domain as I had suggested. From system properties Computer name. Just deselect the radio button This computer belongs to a domain...next time onwards the domain login won't come.

Had to do a system restore last time to get back to where I could use it.

And that s really a job of an intelligent person. I would even suggest you to create one more checkpoint before removing the domain name.

Go ahead all the best.

Well! I'm not able to get the problem here. Try installing the bluetooth stack. Go to run type fsquirt and see if your device is listed. If you are using an USB Dongle I think the vendor would have supplied the driver details and the manuals too. If you can please refer them and get back to us with a bit more clarity. Hope this is ok with you.

I think it's all set.

I changed to the work group setting to get rid of the domain and rebooted (did a restore point first). It booted up to where you could only log in as the administrator (domain user account now inactive). I then copied everything under desktop from the domain user accout to the administrator desktop folder and it's all there now.

The bluetooth software I was trying to install is Bluesoleil which came with a bluetooth dongle I got. It now installed just fine.

My last question would be, is there a way to get rid of the "Log in to Windows" dialog box where you have to enter the administrator password that comes up when you boot? I'd rather it just boot straight to the desktop. There are no other users or anyone who uses my laptop.

Thanks you for all your help !!


You can use turn on automatic logon without editing the registry in Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and in Microsoft Windows XP Professional on a computer that is not joined to a domain. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type control userpasswords2, and then click OK.

Note When users try to display help information in the User Accounts window in Windows XP Home Edition, the help information is not displayed. Additionally, users receive the following error message:

Cannot find the Drive:\Windows\System32\users.hlp Help file. Check to see that the file exists on your hard disk drive. If it does not exist, you must reinstall it.

3. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check box, and then click Apply.

4. In the Automatically Log On window, type the password in the Password box, and then retype the password in the Confirm Password box.

5. Click OK to close the Automatically Log On window, and then click OK to close the User Accounts window.

For more information regarding how to enable Autologon in systems which are registered to some domains please refer
PLease get back to us in case of any clarifications are required. Sorry for the delay in reply I was out of the town :)
Have a nice time

Worked great.............

Thanks for all the help !!

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