I've had the wireless router for a year now and it has only worked 5 minutes and that's after 4 hrs on the phone w/ Netgear. I even returned it once but with same results.
When I run the installation CD, it states"Network adapter in this computer is not responding" and it also states "you must use the installation assistance with working Ethernet adapter".
My internet works and always works. I connected my netgear router as directed and powered up computer, modem, and router as directed. My wireless light was not ON as instructions stated it should be ON. I recheck the connections, everything looks good. I typed http://www.routerlogin.net as instructed and it went to the Netgear home page. I then performed a ipconfig/all.
Windows IP Config
Primary Dns Suffix .. :
Node Type.. . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled…: Yes
WINS Proxy Enabled..: Yes
DNS Suffix Search List…: hsd1.mi.comcast.net.
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 4:
Connection-specific DNS Suffux…: hsd1.mi.comcast.net.
Physical Address….: 00-13-11-EC-D5-73
Dhcp Enabled….. : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled…. : Yes
IP Adress….. :
Submask…. :
Subnet Mask…:
Default Gateway…:
DHCP Server…:
DNS Servers…:
I then reset my modem and now my internet doesn't work. Here's the ipconfig/all now.
Primary Dns Suffix .. :
Node Type.. . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled…: Yes
WINS Proxy Enabled..: Yes
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 4:
Connection-specific DNS Suffux…: hsd1.mi.comcast.net.
Physical Address….: 00-13-11-EC-D5-73
Dhcp Enabled….. : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled…. : Yes
IP Adress….. :
Submask…. :
Subnet Mask…:
Default Gateway…:
DHCP Server…:
I tried different combinations of power-ups and resets but to no avail.
Any tips or suggestions? My son has a new PSP2 and daughter will be getting a new laptop so I'm desperate to get this thing working.