Interactive logon process initialization has failed.please consult the event log for more details.

when i start up my computer this error pops up. i push ok and it does nothing. i have tried starting it is safe mode, repairing, backing up, and insterting the disc. none of it works. brings me to the same thing. i dont know how to make it so my cd starts up right away. i cant get into anything on my computer. will you please help me? my computer is hp compaq presario CQ58. It runs on windows 7 starter.

if you google the phrase ' inter active .... etc' that you have, then you get a very appropriate article from Microsoft (vista but same applies to 7) indicating that you need to do a system repair (or recovery). The instructions are in the microsoft article.

The problem is that am failing to reach on the desktop so that i can recover. thus why i want your help.

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