
I am trying to figure out how to search determine if a word has all the letters in a predetermined set. So for example, I give the letters "yx" and I search a database of words and pull the words that contain only those letters. So if I used the previous letters a word like "x-ray" would show up. This is what I have so far:

all((c in chars) for c in word)

If I use any instead of all I can get all words just 1 of letters. But why can't I do it this way?!?!!


First, what language are you using? Next, why isn't this in the Software Development forum?

hmmm I just noticed that. Sorry. Thought i out it under Python....

So you mean you want a function that determines if a word contains all of the specified letters; ie: has_all_letters("x-ray", "xy") would return true.

Start by iteration through all of the characters in the "xy" string. For each character. Check if the character exists within the "x-ray" string. If a letter does not exist, return false. If the end if the loop is reached, return true.

That paragraph should pretty much corralete one-to-one to the final code.

Thanks. Got it working it your way. If there is any more "pythonic" way of coding it please let me know.


I'm not sure of a more Pythonic way of doing it, but there are faster (a little more complicated though) ways of doing it.

Right now it's running at O(m*n) time (m is the size of the "x-ray" string, n is the size of the the "xy" string). You can get this down to O(m+n) time by storing all of the letters in the "x-ray" string in a set, storing all of the letters in the "xz" string in another set, and confirming that the intercept is the same size of the "xy" string itself. There are a few other ways of getting the O(m+n) time though.

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