Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

Did you by any chance happen to have discharged the battery completely while playing a heavy duty game? If so, I would bet your battery is toast. Reaching the minimum charge on a battery while drawing a lot of current from it can easily cause permanent damage to it, after which it can't be charged fully again.

I think the battery has deep discharged.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

you can try this too :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//using std::cout;
class EmployeeClass {
        void ImplementCalculations(string EmployeeName, int hours, double wage);
        void DisplayEmployInformation(void);

        string EmployeeName;
        int hours;
        double wage;
        float iTotal_salaries;
        int iTotal_hours;
        int iTotal_OvertimeHours;
        float basepay;
        int overtime_hours;
        float overtime_pay;
        float overtime_extra;
        float iIndividualSalary;
        friend void Addsomethingup(EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass);

EmployeeClass Employ1;
EmployeeClass Employ2;
EmployeeClass Employ3;

int main()

//    system("cls");
    // display welcome information
    cout << "\nWelcome to the Employee Pay Center\n\n";
    Use this section to define your objects.  You will have one object per employee.  You have only three employees.
    The format is your class name and your object name.

    Here you will prompt for the first employee’s information.
    Prompt the employee name, hours worked, and the hourly wage.  For each piece of information, you will update the appropriate class member defined above.
    Example of Prompts
    Enter the employee name      =
    Enter the hours worked       =
    Enter his or her hourly wage =
    // Enter employees information
    cout << "Enter the first employee's name      = ";
    cin >> Employ1.EmployeeName;
    cout << "\nEnter the hours worked               = ";
    cin >> Employ1.hours;
    cout << "\nEnter his or her hourly wage         = ";
    cin >> Employ1.wage;
    Here you will prompt for the second employee’s information.
    Prompt the employee name, hours worked, and the hourly wage.  For each piece of information, you will update the appropriate class member defined above.
    Enter the employee …
Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

just try the code which i put in my last post. it'll produce the desired output.
yeah , you can ask for better solution.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

as i already said that i'm learning oop concept in c++ therefore i couldn't tell the better solution . I think there may exist something by which Addsomethingup is called for once and last only.

So , i can suggest that seperate Addsomethingup from the class and seperate the variables too that this function uses , therefore delcare these variables as global.

anyways , try this for the desired output :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//using std::cout;
class EmployeeClass {
        void ImplementCalculations(string EmployeeName, int hours, double wage);
        void DisplayEmployInformation(void);

        string EmployeeName;
        int hours;
        double wage;
            float basepay;
         int overtime_hours;
         float overtime_pay;
         float overtime_extra;
          float iIndividualSalary;

EmployeeClass Employ1;
EmployeeClass Employ2;
EmployeeClass Employ3;
float iTotal_salaries;
int iTotal_hours;
int iTotal_OvertimeHours;
void Addsomethingup(EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass);
int main()

//    system("cls");
    // display welcome information
    cout << "\nWelcome to the Employee Pay Center\n\n";
    Use this section to define your objects.  You will have one object per employee.  You have only three employees.
    The format is your class name and your object name.

    Here you will prompt for the first employee’s information.
    Prompt the employee name, hours worked, and the hourly wage.  For each piece of information, you will update the appropriate class member defined above.
    Example of Prompts
    Enter the employee name      =
    Enter the hours worked       =
    Enter his or her hourly wage =
    // Enter employees information
    cout << "Enter the first employee's name      = "; …
Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

did you make them global ?
then call Addsomethingup(Employ1,Employ2,Employ3); .

did you try the code what i posted ?
that's all what i can do. I don't see any other error.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

well , i'm also learning about oop concept in c++(please correct me , if i'm wrong).
here you're making a mistake while calling Addsomethingup(); because it requires 3 arguments of EmployeeClass .

you'll get an error even if you pass Employ1,Employ2,Employ3 because you're calling AddSomethingup() in DisplayEmployInformation() that doesn't recognize Employ1,Employ2,Employ3 becuase their scope is limited to main function only.Therefore either declare them as global.

one more problem in your code is that in ImplementCalculations function there is wage variable of type double and you're passing wage parameter which is float. therefore either change float to double or change its datatype in parameter list.

after implementation these little modification , your code looks like this :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//using std::cout;
class EmployeeClass {
        void ImplementCalculations(string EmployeeName, int hours, double wage);
        void DisplayEmployInformation(void);
        void Addsomethingup(EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass);
        string EmployeeName;
        int hours;
        double wage;
        float basepay;
        int overtime_hours;
        float overtime_pay;
        float overtime_extra;
        float iTotal_salaries;
        float iIndividualSalary;
        int iTotal_hours;
        int iTotal_OvertimeHours;
EmployeeClass Employ1;
    EmployeeClass Employ2;
    EmployeeClass Employ3;
int main()
//    system("cls");
    // display welcome information
    cout << "\nWelcome to the Employee Pay Center\n\n";
    Use this section to define your objects.  You will have one object per employee.  You have only three employees.
    The format is your class name and your object name.

    Here you will prompt for the first employee’s information.
    Prompt the employee name, hours worked, and the hourly wage.  For each …
Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

y would one need to swapp the numbers in real life? trickery? magic

do you mean applications of swapping ? if yes , agree with AD.
its used in sorting process.

lets suppose there are 3 values {3,2,1} at 3 location x,y,z respectively.And to sort these values in ascending order therefore we need to perform swapping as follow:

if 3 is bigger than 2 then swap the content of loc x and y
if 3 is bigger than 1 then swap the content of loc x and z and so on....

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i want to add a 2d array "M[row][col]" in my class but i don't know how to do it anyone help?

whats the problem with that?
i think it would be same with class concept(i've not started yet with class concept) .
just declare variable with 2 dimension will make it 2d array.

int ar[10][10];//this is 2d array

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

to get 36.00% , you need to change the code at line 13 with this:

decPercent = (decX / decCalories)*100

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i use getline(cin,name);
but problem will still exist until you clear the buffer .

write this to clear the buffer :

cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

don't forget to include <limits>.

please correct me if i'm wrong.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

please check your update statement(i will start programming with database very soon but before right now , i am reading Book on SQL).
i saw there the correct syntax for update statement is:

UPDATE enroll SET username='" & textbox1.Text & "' where ID=" & _UserId

, is used when you are gonna update multiple fields.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

once you update the regedit information you have to restart your computer and then try to format the disk with the as usual method(i mean right click and select format , quick format)

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i didn't see that .

but you can with regedit
this is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ----> SYSTEM ----> control ---->StorageDevicePolicies

now set write access by setting there 0.

if you don't find StorageDevicePoloices and then you can manually create it.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training


select the disk and then type the command

attributes disk clear readonly

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

try this in command prompt:

format <drive letter>:
format H:

and then follow the instructions.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

seems contraversy between the picture you added here and your last reply ?
you wanna show email in listbox , thats ok. i got it but what about spaces , what you want to say about spaces ?

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

where you are printing the result ? on form ? or other place holder ?

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

I need the vb.exe to run on its own, with or without the visual studio. Any suggestion?

you need to use package and deployment wizard. It will create installer of it so that you can run it wihout having installed Visual Studio.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i can't understand , what you want.
please explain again in convenient way.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

mark this thread solved.

happy coding.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

try logic like this:

    //code for getting input to arr[i]
    for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
        cout<<"value already exist";
        i--;    //so that you can insert again at the same index
Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

try this:

"select * from Tran where Date=" & Date 
Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i don't understand the exact problem.

what i want is it will repeat the menu without going to new line in DOS

Then just remove \n.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i don't have any idea about how to write Pseudo code but i think its like providing logic for the solution of the problem . try to understand the following concept of array(However i am still writing an tutorial on Array in C++, i will try to publish it whenever i have time to complete it)


and without loop :


actually loop allows us to repeat statements or a group of statements.So whenever think to execute statement(s) again and again then you should go through loop.

for more information on loop Click Here

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

try this:

"select * from Tran where Acno=" & Val(TxtAcno.Text) & " and name='" & txtname.Text & "'"

hope this helps.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i am glad to see that somebody is really learning here.
if you really feel that the above explanation help you then mark solved this discussion

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

i can't write code for you . But i can just give the idea .

just decalre 2 arrays like a[10] and b[10] assign values to them.And create one more variable of boolean type assign it a value false(Actually i am working with very old and also not good compiler which is TurboC++, there is nothing like bool.). So if you also working on TurboC++ compiler then i think you should create a integer type variable assign 0 to it.
then check each element of array with == operator.When condition is found true then assign True Or 1 to the variable.When you find the result of == to be false then simply assign False Or 0 to the variable and break the loop.

at last check if the variable contain True Or 1 , its mean both are same And Arrays won't be same when the variable contain False or 0.

Actually i am not sure whether c programing support bool data type or not. if it does not support then you can just assign 0 or 1 for False and True respectively.

now , you can do with it.

Learner010 99 Posting Whiz in Training

but you can change the thread title?

Because he is one of the moderators.