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57 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for jaimin4829

I use it simple way. just: datetimepicker.text but you have to change the format from LONG to CUSTOM and at CostumFormat use any format you want dddd-MM-yyyy = 11-4-2015

Member Avatar for uzma_2
Member Avatar for altjen

I was playing Dying Light and just paused the game for a bit and was eating. when come back the game had freeze, mouse too, nothing moved. Tried to collapse the screen of they laptop with the hope that it probably would resume the laptop in normal state of work. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for altjen

I dont know why but my young brother laptop (Dell) keeps turning the FN button back to default, I mean, the buttons fn+F1 fn+F2 fn+F3 (mute, volume down and volume up). turn volume just by pressing them, not the FN button. It used to work the vice versa. I changed …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for altjen

hi all, I am having a problem with importing images into Database with code. I've done this so far Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=virtualmachinelink,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=School Management;User ID=me;Password=mypass") 'dont worry about the connection string, is good, Dim SDA As New SqlDataAdapter Dim bSource As New BindingSource Try conn.Open() Dim …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for altjen

Hi, I am trying to develop a software which can get information like listed bellow In System : -SERIAL NUMBER(847MY5N15) -UUID(4C4C4554-0134-3710-804D-B8C04F594E31) -BIOS VENDOR(Dell Inc.) -BIOS VERSION(A09) In Motherboard(Optional, but will be good if : -MOTHERBOARD VENDOR(Dell Inc.) -MOTHERBOARD MODEL(02XJP9) -MOTHERBOARD VERSION (A03) -MOTHERBOARD SERIAL NUMBER (/847MYN1/CN1296112402BB/) In CPU: -CPU MODEL(Intel(R) …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for altjen

hi, I am having a problem with adding button on jTable for each data I get from the database. here is what I get from database in SQLite try{ String sql = "select ClassName as 'Class Name', NumberOfStudents as 'Number of Students' from ClassRooms"; pst=conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs=pst.executeQuery(); Data_Table1.setModel(DbUtils.resultSetToTableModel(rs)); if({ //code to …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for altjen

Im trying to create a dll file where to import in a sub a webbrowser who will open when form load. I can make this in the software code. but I want to import it in a dll file. Im having troubles with that. I need urgent help

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

I want to make a youtube downloader software but not with the help of any other kind of webpage

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for altjen

Im trying to create something like a simple OS. but Im trying to make the drag and drop system, I dont know even how to start with this, any help?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for altjen

Its been a while that I'm trying to create a web browser who visit websites (this is really easy to do) but the hard thing Im trying to do is. you set up your own proxy. to change it when you click a button. textbox 1 has the ip, textbox …

Member Avatar for altjen

hi all, I want to make a software who change your IP or Proxy and navigate into website with that changed ip (a webform is inside the form) this is a code I found on internet to do. this is not by me. Imports System Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class IEProxy …

Member Avatar for altjen

the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process java I use this code to transfer a file to an other Files.move(Paths.get(file_picker1.getText()), Paths.get("random location\\.png")); I understand that I have to close it. but Im not finidng how to do that. search in google but no …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for altjen

Im having a problem with updating data in SQLite this is the full code who execute after pressing the button try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("d:\\"+LBL1.getText()+"\\"+TL3.getText()+"_"+TL2.getText()+"_"+TL4.getText()+"_"+TL5.getText()+"_"+TL1.getText()+".txt", "UTF-8"); writer.println("Invoice Number = "+TL1.getText()); writer.println("Seda = " +TL3.getText()); writer.println("Date = " +TL2.getText()); writer.println("Documental Class = " + TL4.getText()); writer.println("Status = " + …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

I guess stultuske is trying to ask you if you are trying to make calculations in java? or show those in a textfield or label?

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for altjen

I have a file set in this folder "C:...../users" (is not real) I want to change the file path with code to set at "D:...../users" how can I do that? I want to change the path of a pic. after import it in database, change her file. how can I …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

I have a file set in this folder "C:...../users" (is not real) I want to change the file path with code to set at "D:...../users" how can I do that?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for altjen

Im using this code to get image from SQLITE try{ String sql = "SELECT Photo FROM Pics WHERE InvoiceNumber=?"; pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs=pst.executeQuery(); if({ byte[]imagedata = rs.getBytes("Photo"); format = new ImageIcon(imagedata); ImIc.setIcon(format); } }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e); } `private ImageIcon format = null;` String filename = null; int s=0; byte[] …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for divinity02

with what I understood you want to make simple calculations for a simple work software. am I right? I use this code: if you need to get the values from a jLabel you have to convert it in int. this is the code int sum1 = Integer.parseInt(testlabel1.getText()); do this for …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for altjen

this is the code I create to import pics select image: JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.showOpenDialog(null); File f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); filename = f.getAbsolutePath(); file_picker1.setText(filename); try{ File image = new File (filename); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; for (int readNum; …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for altjen

try{ String b = jTextField1.getText(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM DataImput ORDER BY InvoiceNumber=?"; pst=conn.prepareStatement(sql); pst.setString(1, b); rs=pst.executeQuery(); jTable1.setModel(DbUtils.resultSetToTableModel(rs)); } catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e); } finally{ try{ rs.close(); pst.close(); } catch(Exception e){ } } } this is the code I work to search. it actually work. but really weird. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for altjen

Im having ap roblem with this. ![1.JPG](/attachments/small/4/cde330e9ebb2a478c54b56e4280cf4a3.JPG "align-left") after I press Save button that image show up it doesnt execute this code String te1 = tf1.getText(); String te2 = TA3.getText(); String te3 = TA2.getText(); String te4 = TA1.getText(); String te5 = tf2.getText(); String te6 = TL1.getText(); String sql = "UPDATE …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

Im writing a software in vb but I need to know, is there any better library than OpenCV?

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

can someone please tell me how to fix this thing? Im loosing my mind here. in a form this code work well. in other it doesn't I create an other form, import everything again and it is not working! try{ int row = Data_Table1.getSelectedRow(); String Table_click1 =(Data_Table1.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0).toString()); String sql …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for altjen

Hi. Im trying to write specific text in a .txt file that file would be imported inside a folder I use this to create a file or folder File folder = new File("d:"+IN.getText()); if (folder.mkdir()){ System.out.println("Batch is created!"); }else{ System.out.println("This batch already exists."); } can create a .txt with a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for altjen

Recently Im trying to make a software who can detect multiple faces in the some time. but not only faces. Eyes, Nose, mouth. saw some vids in youtube but they show no code or how to do it, more the finished project. What Im currently trying to do is, the …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

Im using NetBeans to create a data entry software for a friend. when I save a data, it create a folder in specified location, and the name of that folder will be different from each other for example. ![1.JPG](/attachments/large/4/e1b8ccbadaaab2f4ef21954288e53b40.JPG "align-center") it pick the Date,Invoice Number, Subject name, and create the …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

Hi everyone, Im totally new with C# programming language (better with vb, java) Recently Im trying to make a software who can detect multiple faces in the some time. but not only faces. Eyes, Nose, mouth. saw some vids in youtube but they show no code or how to do …

Member Avatar for altjen

I need a bit help please. Im designing a new software and a game in the some time. Im not sure how many of plaid dota2 before or still play that. but it have a awesome game starter(not sure how to say that) where you can find lobies invite players …

Member Avatar for altjen

Hi. Im having some problems to understand how to make search in SQL database actually I use this code DV.RowFilter = String.Format("name Like '%{0}%'", TextBox1.Text) DataGridView1.DataSource = DV and it work, but Im trying to show in a datagrid view results from the table but searched by 2 or more …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for altjen

Hi experts. I'm in need for your help. is it able to create a software who can check if a text file contain a text for example Words.txt has few words inside like: "work, job, play, study, go, house" and at Words1.txt have words like: " People, fun, jokes" can …

Member Avatar for altjen

The End.