15 Reputation Points
Ranked #2K
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78% Quality Score
- Upvotes Received
- 3
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- Upvoting Members
- 3
- Downvotes Received
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0 Endorsements
Ranked #55.0K
3 Posted Topics
Re: Run a detail anaylsis against your own website and competitor. You can follow Neil Patel and Backlinko SEO Checklist for performing initally audit. Cheers | |
Re: Well starting a blog is not that difficult job anymore because now several WordPress hosting provider allow you to deploy WordPress on one click with some predefine search engine friendly settings. I would recommend to write down your online objective like: What are the core areas you will be writing … | |
Re: Honestly SEO is the most misunderstood myth across the web. I have been doing SEO from last couple of years and things can get really worst if you follow black hat techniques. I would recommend to invest your money in paid marketing like ads sense if you need quick results … |
The End.