" data-bs-original-title="" title="">
for the last few days on the Java forum (and I assume this is the same on the other fora as well), I've seen old threads (years old) to show up on the top of the 'last replied to' threads, with a postername and posterdate of less than a day …
One thing I don't really like about the new platform, is that whenever you have visited a thread, it remains shown as 'visited', there is no clear (visible) indication anymore when a new reply was posted, that you didn't read yet. Isn't it possible to have that feature back?
is it possible to add a functionality to 'flag a bad pm', like the 'flag bad post'? I just got this pm [Quote="kwasiy"] Dear associate, The bank directors mandated me to look for any known relation of our late client who deposited a enormous amount of money in our bank …
for the moment, I'm working on a project where I have to apply filtering as used on one table (using the jQuery datatables plugin) to a next table (which is using the picnet.table.filter plugin). now, I have been able to retrieve the values used to filter from the original table, …