i'm a bit wondering about the reliability of the endorsement system.

for instance: I have been given two endorsements for my participation in (and knowledge of) the C++ forum.
not that I'm complaining, but I don't really know C++ all that well, and have never actually posted in that forum (that I can remember, anyway), so it looks a bit dodgy that it's possible to endorse me for it.

is there a functionality planned to limit the endorsements to fora you've actually contributed in?

people just endorse people if they want to. it is like people giving you money even though you don't why you are receiving it.

You got endorsed for c++ because you have had some posts there, and people (I being one of them) have decided to endorse you.

The endorsement system works best if you only endorse people in those forums where they have demonstrated skills worthy of being endorsed. In my opinion. If it just becomes a 'personality meter' then it is devalued.

It by my opinion is a "personality meter" also but sometimes it is nice to have the most endorsements that others don't recieve despite them always participating those specific forums...

I think you can get the best of your endorsement system by looking at the endorsements of those who you think are trustworthy/endorseworthy since there is a high chance they will endorse folks with some merit. But I agree, it's more of a personalized benchmark; you might disagree with what I agree with.

commented: I agree. +0

You got endorsed for c++ because you have had some posts there, and people (I being one of them) have decided to endorse you.

seriously? I posted there?? must 've been quite a while ago.

I view them from the same view as s.o.s (as long as im interpreting correctly), in that I only really consider the endorsements from those on the forum I have respect for to be of value. For example AD, Rev Jim etc (Not listing all, those are first names to head).

Unfortunately I have seen at least one signature stating "if you endorse me then I will endorse you", which defeats the purpose of the endorsement and, as was stated, devalues it for everyone. I think we should all strive to endorse only those people who actually deserve it. By the same token, some people like to post every thought that pops into their head just to increase their post count. This brings down the reputation of the site as a whole. That's what Twitter is for (and that's why you'll never see me on Twitter).

commented: Well put, all valid points. +0

"if you endorse me then I will endorse you"

I think that one dude was me.... :) Which is why I listened and stopped!

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