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Well, I'm a student who is studying in Sri Tebrau National High School (Original name: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sri Tebrau), Johor Bahru. I'm really interested in IT stuff, please contact me if you also do like IT stuff. And, please remember to visit…
- Interests
- IT Stuff - Software Developing, Web Developing, etc. Sports - Basketball, Badminton, Cycling, Swimming,…
- PC Specs
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz 2.60GHZ,…
14 Posted Topics
I'm making a Windows Application in C#. How to [B]navigate from one form to another[/B] and [B]not losing data(s)[/B] from the previous form? For an example, I created [B]Form1[/B]. In Form1, there's [B]textBox1[/B] and [B]button1[/B]. By clicking [B]button1[/B] links you to [B]Form2[/B], and after [B]Form2[/B] is shown, text from [B]textBox1[/B] … | |
Re: Well, I think these two are quite useful. [URL]http://www.techtutorials.info/javaj2me.html[/URL] [COLOR=#0033cc][URL]http://www.j2meforums.com/wiki/index.php/Tutorials[/URL][/COLOR][URL="http://www.techtutorials.info/javaj2me.html"][/URL] | |
Anyone knows how to create games in WinAPI? If do, please kindly post a reply. Help will be really appreciated. Thank you. :) | |
Re: Well, you can learn yourself and teach your children. Learn from some tutorials. Such as [URL]http://www.deitel.com/ResourceCenters/Programming/C/CandDirectXGameProgrammingTutorialsandArti/tabid/508/Default.aspx[/URL] [URL]http://nehe.gamedev.net/[/URL] [URL]http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/Java_Game_Programming/[/URL] Or if you want more options, you can go and search for them in Google. | |
Re: I think these looks good. [URL]http://www.euclideanspace.com/software/games/setup/dx9vb/installation/index.htm[/URL] [URL]http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Articles/ArticleListing.aspx?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=63[/URL] [URL]http://www.deitel.com/ResourceCenters/Programming/C/CandDirectXGameProgrammingTutorialsandArti/tabid/508/Default.aspx[/URL] | |
I have two questions to ask. Firstly, I would lke to know is C++ GUI the same as C++.NET or there isn't such thing as C++.NET? Secondly, although you won't suggest me to learn C++.NET and you would ask me to learn C#, but I'm will still be asking for … | |
How to link Buttons in C++.NET? Example: If I want to link "Button1" which is in "Form1" to "Form2", like if you click "Button1" in "Form1", the program will goto "Form2". What source code should I input? | |
Can someone post the specific [B]video tutorials[/B] URLs for - C++ - C# - J# from [URL]http://msdn.com/[/URL] ? Cause I'm having some problems finding them. [B]Or[/B] Anyone knows other site which have video tutorials, or even text tutorials, please kindly post the URL links. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks. | |
Hey all. Does anyone knows where to get some good tutorials of programming C++ Graphical User Interface? If so, please kindly send a PM and include your contact or reply here. Your help willl be appreciated. Thank you. Xizhe | |
Hey all. I'm trying to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional. My computer has a small partition for the default disk (where the system files are). It only left something like not more than 200MB and I've cleaned up, compressed, and tried to uninstall things. But I got other extended … | |
Hey all. Sorry to embarrass myself here. I have a question to ask: What exactly is C#? Well, I know it's a programming language but how would you explain it? Does it have anything to do with C and C++? Sorry, I'm kind of novice in programming. Your help will … | |
Hey all. Does anyone knows where to get some tutorials of HTML? Or someone willing to teach about HTML please kindly send a PM and include your contact or reply here. Your help willl be appreciated. Thank you. Xizhe | |
Hey all. Does anyone knows where to get some tutorials of JavaScript? Or someone willing to teach about JavaScript please kindly send a PM and include your contact or reply here. Your help willl be appreciated. Thank you. Xizhe | |
Sorry to embarass myself here. Does anyone knows how to use C or C++ or Java Programming, or any other language for programming for novices? I'm a REALLY beginner. Anyone that is Professional in Programming and willing to teach please kindly teach me the BASIC of programming and the language, … |
The End.