
Does anyone know of any DirectX 9.0 Books for game programming if you can find any for me tell me please ty

>if you can find any for me tell me please ty
Is it that hard to go to amazon.com or your local bookstore and look? I mean, you look pretty lazy judging by that request.

Yes but I dont know what is right to get?

You should rephrase your question so that you seem like less of a mooch. How about "What's a good book on game programming with DirectX 9.0?"

commented: seems very petty, not helpful -1

Ok sorry

What's a good book on game programming with DirectX 9.0

to start with, avoid anything that's "for dummies" or "in 24 hours" and things like that.
Those books give a highlevel overview and not much more, they're generally a waste of money (there are exceptions but they're few and far between).

Can't help you with specific titles as I only have one and despite having had it sitting on my desk for half a year at least I've not yet gotten around to even reading the introduction.

So how do I learn DirectX 9.0 lol?

>So how do I learn DirectX 9.0 lol?
I believe I mentioned some tutorials in this thread.

>do I need anymore to make a mmorpg
Hmm... a team of graphic designers, a project lead, tons of programmers, and a few million dollars. But I assume you've already got that, so you're all set. Have fun!

I got http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1598220160/ref=sib_dp_pt/103-1250628-3307016#reader-link
do I need anymore to make a mmorpg

That is good that you have a book or the other available resources but, yes, you will need more:

  1. A game design: a non-programmed asset such as storylines, outline of the game, and an overview of the logic you will eventually implement when you build the game; building any sort of game takes incredible amounts of planning before you even write one line of code-- without this, frustration and failure will surely find you. Game development is in many ways more difficult than normal programming as you are dealing with image display, movement, physics, sound, etc. It takes multiple "dry runs" (practice of smaller elements of code, animation, etc) to see if things work, how things work, and why they work. It will not all come together magically out of the machine for you all of a sudden. You must do the work and more importantly, the prep work then the actual coding work, testing, and debugging.
  2. Patience: it will not happen overnight, in a week, or even a year, possibly. Can you commit to a year? You must take small steps and be proud of completing these small steps.
  3. Experience: this is only earned through trial-and-error, practice, and years of hard work and practice. Books mean nothing without drive and determination.

MMORPG's: This is a mighty step for a young programmer; this is usually done with teams, and even with professional resources, the quality is often very low. Not to discourage you, but you should follow the advice of the many people that have already told you: start small and learn an object-oriented language before diving into something like a MMORPG.


and not only is the quality often low, most never even make it to release.
I guess that for every game you see on the shelves, another dozen at least fail at one point or another during development and dozens more never even get past the concept stage because they don't get funded.

and not only is the quality often low, most never even make it to release.
I guess that for every game you see on the shelves, another dozen at least fail at one point or another during development and dozens more never even get past the concept stage because they don't get funded.

Yes, exactly.


Check that out for some free tutorials.

Not to sound harsh but if you are planning this as a career you need to be the dogs do-das. Unless you are very smart and very good you won't make it, though it is good fun developing games and does help with other programming careers :)

i did not understand anything of thith sites!

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