Hi, I finally got redhat 9.0 installed in vmware 4 on Windows XP (I had some trouble as in a post below). Everything is fine, --I installed all the packages I wanted; the internet is fine, --except that I can not get vmware tools installed in redhat, and because of that, I have a poor resolution of 800x600. When I tried to install vmware tools, it failed with an error message like "all instances of XFree86 should be shut down" ,but I do not know how to do it.

Anyone has a clue? I use a wireless adapter to access to the internet, whose performance is really poor in real linux, thus I really want to often use linux on vmware.

Thanks a lottttt.

got the solution from vmware.com.........install it under text mode.......... But why I could install it in redhat 8.0 under G-mode?

--I installed all the packages I wanted

can you tell us which specific ones you didnt choose

You have to be in text mode to install video card drivers - or else you'll be trying to update files that are currently in use.

You have to be in text mode to install video card drivers - or else you'll be trying to update files that are currently in use.

No you dont, edit /etc/XF86Config(-4) with the correct information and reboot the X-server... of course you have to know the driver, monitor vertical and horizontal refresh rate and range of proper resolutions to do so. Redhat sucks :)

I think that's a bit what I was trying to say. I know that whenever I try to edit /etc/XF86Config-4 from within X, as soon as I save the file, random things keep crashing on me :( (maybe it's just me?) So now I always edit it from a console cuz I figure the file settings rely on stuff that's currently in use???

I'm not sure I understand why things randomly happen.... The XF86Config(-4) file is only run when you start an X-server. I don't believe changes in the file will occur until you start/reboot an X-server. If it were using the file in real-time (which would be highly inefficient to parse through and poll for changes), the file would presumably be locked to read-only. Besides, you can start an X-server on various displays :0,:1 to name two. Change your XF86Config(-4) file and then try seeing the changes on a different display, ie: xinit -- /usr/X11R6/bin/X --screen <MyScreen> :1

commented: indeed +1


1 Uninstall your current VMWare
2 Download and install the latest VMWare.2
3 Reboot
4 Start up Linux (I boot into GUI mode)
5 Enable Linux Tools (Menu->File). This loads a CD image with compressed file.
6 Open the CD icon that appears, Open the file. It wil read the contents, much like WinZip does.
7 Extract the tools, simply click on the file that appears in the contents window, press extract, and select /root/ as the destination.
8 Now the magic: open up a terminal, and enter the command "telinit 3". This will shutdown XFree86 and leave you with a good old command line.
9 Login again, and cd /root/vmware-tools (I think thats it, but you can find it easily with ls).
10 Start the install off: ./vmware-tools-install.pl
11 Answer all questions (press return, thats all I did, to accept the defaults).
12 When it completes, "use telinit 5" to get back to graphical mode.

Quote:John conner

I mostly use free BSD

I dunno why things happen weird for me. Does anyone else experience this? (Problems when not restarting the X server after updating the XF86Config-4 file?

did you guys get Redhat to communicate with your host system using VMWare ? Mine doesn't seem to find the ethernet card


9 Login again, and cd /root/vmware-tools (I think thats it, but you can find it easily with ls).
10 Start the install off: ./vmware-tools-install.pl
11 Answer all questions (press return, thats all I did, to accept the defaults).
12 When it completes, "use telinit 5" to get back to graphical mode.

FWIW, it installed under /etc/vmware-tools for me (Fedora on VMWare Workstation 5).


hello All,

i am new here and have installed redhat 9 in the Vmware 5.5, i have tried to intall the vmware tools but keep getting errors. i have tried the suggestions on the forum but still not working. i have a few screen shots of the errors i get.

at the begining, i started with Choose VM > Install VMware Tools and i continue with all the other instructions, what happens at the end?, how does this process get terminated?

anyway when i type startX or xinit, an image of what i get is shown below

[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\WOT019\My Documents\My Pictures\vmware1[/IMG]

after running vmware-config-tools.pl, i get the following image

[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\WOT019\My Documents\My Pictures\vmware2[/IMG]

i need help.

thanks in anticipation.


hi again,

i thought that the images will be posted but somehow it did not. how do you post images here?. it will make it much easier to get output from my screen for you folks to see.


when i issues the command startx or xinit, i get the following as part
of a message

(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Tue Jan 2 16:58:05 2007
(EE) Unable yo locate/open config file
(EE) Error from xf86HandleConfigFile()
Fatal Server error:
no screens found

i need help, are there any commands you want me to run in order for
you to understand my system better in order for you know whats

please let me know.


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