It's 4:30am and I'm trying to install Linux Mandrake 8.0. Yes I know there is a 8.1.

I'm taking a UNIX/Linux class and only went once so far and I taking it because I dont know shit about UNIX/Linux.

Everytime I want install I keep getting a freaking error and it's driving me through the fucken wall.

This CD is not a Mandrake CD please insert and try again.
Some kind of stupid error like that I tryed all 2 or 3 CD's it has come with what am I doing wrong jesus!

Are you autoruning the CD from start up? If yes, believe it or not, I've heard of this problem before. The way to resolve it is that there is a directory on the cd with a way to make boot disks. Just make them, and you should have no problem.

Win 2k is a pain in the ass to setup. When i set it up on my laptop, i made those stupid 4 disks, then i kept it till i installed win 2k adv serv. I use them, and guess what, it didn't work! I restarted, went back to win me, and created the 4 boot disks. BUT LATER!!! the first boot disk was somehow messed up and so i had to redo all 4 disks!! pain in the ass!!

Windows XP has 6 boot disks. lol.

I think you can get one for XP that is only 1 disk that works fine lol. Also yes I used a Boot Disk and then I went into the setup and says it is not a ManDrake CD I'm not stupid but I feel stupid because I cant install from a fucken CD!!! HELP ME TEK

Maybe there was a problem when you burned the cd? I had a similar problem installing win 2k on my desktop (but with floppy disks).

Also... where did you download it from? I believe mandrake is open source (most linux os' are), so someone could've just modified the source.

LOL man It's full I got it from

It this is happening on all versions of Linux Mandrake 8.0,8.1 and Red Hat as well. Help me!

Do your self a favor, and redownload the disto. Your best bet is to use a mirror. Use .edu's there always the fastest. I downloaded Red Hat from at 300k/s. Did you have to resume your original download? I find that sometimes when I have to do multiple resumes on downloads, theres more room for error.

P.S. This is my 70th post!

Nah man It's fine I found out what was wrong not a Bootable CD I took care of it thanks man

Do your self a favor, and redownload the disto. Your best bet is to use a mirror. Use .edu's there always the fastest. I downloaded Red Hat from at 300k/s. Did you have to resume your original download? I find that sometimes when I have to do multiple resumes on downloads, theres more room for error.

P.S. This is my 70th post!

I used to resume all the time (when i had 56k, i had software where i would turn on my computer, eventually boot up into windows, then automatically log onto my dial-up service. It would then resume whatever downloads i had before.)

I never had a problem with the software i downloaded, and it would resume like a dozen times in a 100 meg file. Chances of errors are greater, but the chance of your hard drive increases with age...

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