Anyone have any comments on Apache for Windows? Is it really as unstable as everyone says it is?

It seems it's just a port of the infamous UNIX Apache ... with "usr" and "bin" and other UNIX folders ... hmm

Hmm... I was exparimenting with PHP and I didn't feel like booting to linux, and I installed Apache/Win32 and it seemed fine. My only complaint: its in a dos prompt box, and when you minimize it, it goes to the taskbar, and stays there (it should goto the system tray). Also, I cant seem to find a way to shut it down!

I heard so many things about Apache.

This is what I hear all the time I think it's fact.

Apache for Windows os so much better then IIS. Also if you running a Web Server from home it's perfect but if your manageing 10,000 a week then it starts to suck.

Apache for UNIX I heard is the best nothing beats it.

Also try out the Web Site from it's perfect so much better then IIS.

Also do you guys know what a good Mail Server program is?
I been searching I cant find one that is easy help me please.

Mad_Dog... what kinda mail program? One to recieve mail, or one to send mail (an SMTP server). IIS has a built in SMTP server, that I think works pretty good. If your looking for a program to recieve mail, I use Eudora, but Outlook is fine for that too. When you reply, start a new thread.

From my experience, I believe that Apache 1.x.x HTTP Server is used more for Non-Business development on Windows and 2.x is used for commercial use. The Apache 1.x.x HTTP Server is not meant for serious power, as the Apache Foundation claims it's not optimized to do so yet - only on Unix. The 2.x version, a version strictly for Windows NT claims to have overall more power than the 1.x.x version.

I've heard a lot of things about both servers. The decision of what server you should choose varies greatly. First of all I think the hype about "Apache being the Number One server that most sites use" can bring some confusion. It could make you think that most sites are using it. Now, if you're going into business, and consider this, you have to think what this means. Does "most" mean hobbyists, private sites, non-business organizations? Or does it mean strictly businesses? (Just think about HOW MANY non-business sites are out there.) What counts as most? Does "most" mean better?

IIS has gotten a bad rap from having too many security flaws, so people shun upon it. Many developers and admins agree that while Apache on Unix might be a better server (and I think it is), it is easier to develop using IIS than with Unix. (Of course this depends on what Application you're creating and target audience.) And also, a lot of corporations use NT, so they tend to go with IIS.

Overall I think it's a matter of taste. I prefer to work on NT because of Rapid Development. It's easier to develop I think on NT than Unix, but you have to keep your eyes open for security leaks, etc.

Tek Question. With IIS can I Receieve/Send using IIS and nothing else? Can I be jimmy@MyIPHere does that work? & can I just use IIS

IIS comes with an easy to use SMTP server that you can send out e-mails (you can even do attachments if you decide to do an application). What it does NOT come with is a POP3 server which is used to receive e-mail. Those you have to buy and configure according to what dns or current setup you have.

I don't know of any free ones right now. Just do a search a Google. If you find a good one, let me know. Thanks. :)

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