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11 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Steven_C

Hi, You assume there are two text box controls to accept user name and password and button control on login form. void Button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { switch (VerifyPassword( txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text )) { case 0: FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage( txtUsername.Text, chkPersist.Checked ); break; case 1: lblError.Text = "You did not …

Member Avatar for vanjan3.0
Member Avatar for 1qaz2wsx7

Hi, do you want to create DataTable manually and bind it to the datagrid. Here is the code: #Region "buildDataTable - Building Own DataTable" Public Function buildDataTable() As DataTable 'Instantiating DataTable object PrivateDataTable = New DataTable("tblAccounts") 'Create table structure PrivateDataCol = New DataColumn PrivateDataCol.ColumnName = "AccName" PrivateDataCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String") 'Add …

Member Avatar for o_shawky
Member Avatar for jireh

Hi, There is a article on [URL=""]connection string to connect to sql server from vb application[/URL].

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for iSrchNkd

Hi, The idea of earning income by selling links is good, but may not be wise. The reason is GOOGLE is tracking paid links. cluster of links, Google will easily track and will result in low value for the link buyer. But i have noticed that for our site [URL=""][/URL] …

Member Avatar for iSrchNkd
Member Avatar for PoonamDwivedi

Hi, You can try this book: [URL=""] Database programming using C# 2005[/URL]

Member Avatar for pygmalion
Member Avatar for vicky.vignesh

[URL=""]Inserting a new record and updating a record using the Execute command in Visual Basic.[/URL] We can use the SQL Insert statement to issue a command that will add a new record in a data source. Option Explicit Dim CN As Connection Dim comobj As Command Private Sub Form_Load() Set …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for shank

Hi, Try this book [URL=""]"Develop your own Accouting package using Visual Basic and SQL server"[/URL]

Member Avatar for vbsqluser
Member Avatar for umamaheswari

Hi, Try this book "[URL=""]Database programming using Visual Basic 2005[/URL]"

Member Avatar for vbsqluser
Member Avatar for zedef

Hi, Before we use Windows authentication, we must first configure IIS. When a user requests a page that requires authorization, the user must be authenticated through IIS. Windows 2000 and IIS 5.0 supports three methods of authentication. Basic Authentication Compatible with all browsers, firewalls and proxy servers. However, usernames and …

Member Avatar for vbsqluser
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hi, String oText, String oFind; int iPos = oText.IndexOf(oFind); String strReturn = ""; If (iPos != -1) { strReturn = oText.Substring(0, iPos); } Database programming using Visual Basic 2005

Member Avatar for vbsqluser
Member Avatar for samycbe

Hi, The connection object establishes a connection to the database. Two of the most common Connection objects used are OleDbConnection and SqlConnection. If we are querying a SQL Server database, we should use the SqlConnection class. The ConnectionString property of the Connection object is used to provide information such as …

Member Avatar for vbsqluser

The End.