537 Posted Topics
Re: I would be surprised if it did work. I think that each key might be unique to each disc (for home users at least) - to prevent piracy. I might be wrong here though | |
Re: Hi there. Here are the advantages: [QUOTE][url]http://www.startvbdotnet.com/dotnet/frameworkadvantages.aspx[/url][/QUOTE] and the disadvantages you may be able to find yourself! | |
Re: If you copy the folder where the images are to a directory the JAR can find it the images will work. HTH | |
Hi all just a quick question, what code do I use to make user input of RETURN(enter button) defaulting to an OK button on a windows form? thanks for your time. | |
Re: The folder hierarchy has to reflect the package statement I believe. So [QUOTE]C:\test\eugene\scjp[/QUOTE] Needs to be : [QUOTE]C:\com\tets\eugene\scjp;[/QUOTE] i.e. add a folder called com then follow the structure above. or alternatively change the import statement in SubClass.java to: [QUOTE]import test.eugene.scjp.SuperClass;[/QUOTE] I think that should fix it, although I am not … | |
Re: Please use code tags, it makes the code much easier on the eyes. Look here: [URL="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/switch.html"]http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/switch.html[/URL] This will help a lot with your problem. | |
Re: The constructor in your Base class is private, which means that nothing outside of Base class (including derived classes) can access it. Changing the constructor to a different access modifier (such as public) will fix this. One thing to note about constructors is that the compiler will insert an implicit … | |
Re: persistence is key when applying for your first job post - education. That is the single best piece of advice anyone can give ya | |
Re: [COLOR="Red"]jwenting[/COLOR] An amazing guy, he really knows his java! I have a lot of respect for him as he is not afraid to stand up for what is right and really helps people gain a greater understanding of problems they are having. | |
Re: lol I got 4! mind you here in the UK we dont have most of those bars! | |
Re: It's the tutors at universities and colleges' that I feel sorry for. It really does look like the www has destroyed peoples ability to think for themselves! | |
Re: here you go buddy, this example has source code too. [url]http://javaboutique.internet.com/fireworks/[/url] | |
Re: You had better get started then, saturday is tomorrow! James, if you were to charge $50/hour you'd only get about 3 bucks for that lol | |
Re: You have an extra } at the bottom of the source file and you need to instead place this } before the private method getStringFromUser. | |
Re: Break the problem down into smaller, easier to manage steps. - Get user input - Calculate the sum of the number(s) entered - Print result Show us that you have put some effort in by showing us what you have so far and we will help you from there, I, … | |
Re: Yes, I echo the above post, remove the double quotes - you are using String literals instead of a numeric values. | |
Re: Hi and welcome! I suggest you try booting in safe mode. Before windows starts to load, hold F8. When in safe mode run another scan using avg - let us know how it goes! good luck | |
Re: Help you to cheat......NO. My theory here is that your tutor gave you the .class files to see how a program works, and you are then meant to write the code yourself. You will not learn java by decompiling .class files and submitting them as your project. Forgive me if … | |
Hi, I just replied to a thread (2 minutes ago) but the thread is stating that it was an hour ago I replied & for some reason my post is above the OP's post. Here is the thread in question: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread234185.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread234185.html[/URL] By the way I can spell weird, typo! lol | |
Re: I think that would be a great idea too Ancient Dragon. Maybe we could have an option to neg rep a member UPTO our maximum neg rep amount? I don't think I have ever neg repped anyone actually! | |
Re: Take a look at Line 23 where you declare the int variable vacation. This variable is declared within the body of a conditional statement, which means its lifespan is confined to that conditional block. Nothing outside of that block can see that variable. Take a look at the changes I … | |
Re: I can see that you are going to get a GREAT response from that question. NOT. If you really think you are being hacked, then post a question asking for help, I don't think anyone 'round here is going to help you hack someone else! | |
Hi all, I hope you are well. I am trying to compile a java file using terminal in Ubuntu, but I am getting the following error message: [QUOTE]1. ERROR in StringComparisons.java (at line 20) System.out.printf("String a = %s String b = %s \n", a,b); [/QUOTE] As you can see, I … | |
Re: LOL nice find man, I got 3/3 - I love the "are you dumb, are you dumb, are you dumb?" countdown lol | |
Re: Somehow I don't think my Grandmother would understand why she has to "sudo" everything, and I don't think a hardcore gamer would accept the limitations WINE offers... Windows is only vulnerable to nasties BECAUSE it is the most popular O/S. If Ubuntu had a larger user base than Windows, do … | |
Re: [URL="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/events/actionlistener.html"]here[/URL] | |
Re: nomemory means compile the classes then run TestCircle. You cannot run Circle directly as it has no main method. main is the entry point for you program. As nomemory said, don't skip the basics. Please mark your other thread as solved as well! :) |
The End.