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59 Posted Topics
Re: When you want to read from or write to a file in Java you have to use different streams depending on what kind of file it is. You also have to take care of exceptions that can be thrown. I hope this link will help you: [url]http://www.underground-systems.org/forums/showthread.php?5157-Small-and-random-pieces-of-basic-Java[/url] I want you … | |
Re: Hi People say that Linux Mint is a good choice if you are not used to run Linux. I have Mint Elyssa and really like it. Very easy to run when you are used to Windows. They have recently released Mint 7 Gloria. Other people say that Feodora is good … ![]() | |
Re: Take a look here: [url]https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video#Graphics%20Cards[/url] and here: [url]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti[/url] the indication is that it should work. You can probably reach the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. If I where you I would try to update and upgrade the system. I do not know if you are noob or leet so I will … | |
Re: If you are new to Java I can understand your confusion. It really took me a while to get some grip of different protection levels. It is not anyone elses job to do your homework, but I will give you some links and explanation to start with and hopefully you … | |
I just bought and read Jim Waldo's "Java The Good Parts". (ISBN 978-0-596-80373-5) It is a very interesting book that gives you insight in what happens under the surface. This is not a book about learning how to program in Java. It is rather a book for those who have … | |
I can not see any right for any government to censur or cut off people from Internet, but it happens all the time. Are you sure that it can never happen in your country? I do not have any political opinion about Egypt, but I support the people of Egypt … | |
Re: @Johnclave111 I am not sure if it is considered polite in this community to hijack other peoples thread ;) but I will answer you anyway. A good starter to the world of Linux is, in my humble opinion, to install Linux Mint on an old computer or dualboot it if … | |
Re: Larger programs can be built in many different ways using different designpatterns. We can take an application used in a customer service as an example. To store all information about customers, items for sale and items that customers have bought, there are a database to hold the information. This database … | |
Re: [QUOTE=vgi;1019459]How do you write the code that allows you to go back to the menu after choosing an option?[/QUOTE] Hi You can make it simple an add a new method like in this example below that is based on the class above. I have chanced the name of the class … | |
No one is ever alone... [url]http://www.thetrevorproject.org[/url] This thread is not meant as a start of a discussion, this link is meant as a helping hand for those out here that do not know where to turn for help. For those of you who do not know what I am talking … | |
Re: You can also do it another way, if you want to :) First you make a String variable that holds the value of the double variable you are working with. You do this by using the method Double.toString() and the parameter you put in can either be the value directly, … | |
Re: Since it is the first chapter it makes sense if you should practice on concatenate strings and the difference between print and println. | |
[url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1305191/Facial-recognition-software-allow-ability-identify-people-photographs-internet.html[/url] | |
Re: There is GStreamer but I don't think it has bindings directly for Java. I think it is supposed to be used with C++ but I can be wrong so maybe it is worth looking at it. | |
Re: If you want to call your second constructor in the Address class you put in the names of the city and the state like in this example: bankAddress = new Address(Vancouver, Canada); | |
Re: Hi If you have not been there already this link: [url]http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp[/url] could be useful for you. Here you will find basic JavaScript syntax and examples. Good luck :) | |
Re: [QUOTE=jman212;1210922]I have this 2d array that sorts the rows but i can't sort the column.. i can't figure it out for the life of me. PLEASE HELP }[/QUOTE] Hi :) Since you have done all the hard work already and I have used your code as a base it is … | |
Re: Hi :) Your code has no compiling errors. The question is if it does what you want it to do? First you fill the par array with random numbers between 1 and 2. Then you fill the strokes array with random numbers between 1 and 5. After that you ask … | |
Re: I can not see that you ask the program to write to a file. Try: [CODE]pw.write(theFile);[/CODE] | |
Re: Alternativs: 3) [B]uname -n[/B] 4) [B]uname -s[/B] [B]grep[/B] is a command that returns a string with the desired text. In my case the command[B] ifconfig | grep "inet addr" [/B] gives me the same result as [B]ifconfig | grep "inet"[/B] but [B] ifconfig | grep "addr" [/B]gives an other result. … | |
Re: What languages depends on where on this planet you live. Look in the newspaper and see what the bigger IT company's are looking for. Look into the biggest technical university in your country and see what language they are teaching. This will give you a hint of what is in … | |
Re: An array of chars is not a string. Here you can read more about arrays: [url]http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/arrays.doc.html[/url] Good luck :) | |
Re: [QUOTE=eshirley;1167250]I need to write a program that will output a list of all even numbers between 1-100. It needs to use a while loop then use a for loop. Any one got any help on how to do that?[/QUOTE] If it is a task where you must have both kinds … | |
Re: [QUOTE=SQ89;1019756]I have two files of huge data contains string and integers and i want to read from it and use it to count characters of the string for example name ending with letter "A" containing "oo" or having letter "A" as seconf letter. i need some methods from the String … | |
Re: Hi This is not my table :) but I was just wondering if you already has been on this site: [url]http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2000/jw-1229-traps.html[/url] if not I believe there could be some useful information for you. This thread: [url]http://forums.devx.com/showthread.php?t=147403[/url] might possibly also be useful for you to reed. | |
Re: Hi If you use a SringTokenizer whit whitespace as tokenizer the input string will be cut after each whitespace and you can more easily capitalize the first letter in every name if that is what you want. If you want to capitalize every letter in the name you have to … | |
I heard on the radio today that the trial in the Court of appeal (The second highest judicial instance in Sweden.) against Pirate Bay will be postponed until sometimes next year. This is because two persons in the court has been reported as challengeable by the lawyer of the prosecuted, … | |
I have honestly "stolen" this link from an other board ;) and before you watch this I would like to say that I do run both windows and linux, but I think this one is really funny :D [url]http://fun.drno.de/flash/howto_turn_windows_into_linux.swf[/url] | |
Re: When you want to find shortest path between all pairs of corners you can use matrix multiplication where the result is a matrix[B] D[/B] = [B]d[/B]ij where [B]d[/B]ij is the shortest path from corner [B]v[/B]i to corner [B]v[/B]j. | |
Re: Hi :) Maybe this can be of some use to you: [url]http://www.onesmartclick.com/programming/java.html[/url] On this site there is a pdf file "Java to C++ Transition Tutorial" I know that you are going the other way but when I looked (very briefly) it compared a lot of code snippets in both language, … |
The End.