I can not see any right for any government to censur or cut off people from Internet, but it happens all the time. Are you sure that it can never happen in your country? I do not have any political opinion about Egypt, but I support the people of Egypt when they struggle for the freedom to express themselves.

3 February 2011 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon :
“Let me be absolutely clear. This is outrageous and totally unacceptable. It must stop now,” he said. “Respecting freedom of expression and assembly as well as information is a crucial and essential part of democratic values. I once again strongly urge the Egyptian authorities to listen to the voices of the people and immediately start real change.”
Source: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=37459&Cr=egypt&Cr1=


>>I can not see any right for any government to censur or cut off people from Internet

Govenments can do as they please, afterall it is the government that makes the rules. I don't like what some governments to either, but there is nothing I can do about it. I can only control my own destiny, not that of anyone else.

Most of today's governments tend to bring in policies that they believe are beneficial but they are usually only beneficial to themselves and not to those people who they govern.

I am also supportive of those in Egypt fighting for their freedom.

They might not like what the current government does, but looks to me like its a recipe for disaster. Egypt could wind up with something much worse than they have already.

Is that not the same everywhere? Swapping one power hungry idiot for another.

No, not really. We in the USA enjoy many more freedoms than say people in Cuba or China.

Yes but you still have the power hungry idiots ( Clinton (bit of a pest if you're a woman and a bit dim) & Bush (court jester) ) to name but two.

>>I can not see any right for any government to censur or cut off people from Internet

Govenments can do as they please, afterall it is the government that makes the rules. I don't like what some governments to either, but there is nothing I can do about it. I can only control my own destiny, not that of anyone else.

Actually we can do something about it, we still hold the power in democracy. For example, if we wanted to kick out the President we could. We only give the gov't power so they can vote so we don't have to everyday, though if we don't like it, you can get enough people to stand against it and make them change it. We have the power to control the country and it seems most people has forgotten that.

Yes but as i said when you remove one power hungry friend of the wealthy and big business you invariably get another. (not always better)

Actually we can do something about it, we still hold the power in democracy. For example, if we wanted to kick out the President we could. We only give the gov't power so they can vote so we don't have to everyday, though if we don't like it, you can get enough people to stand against it and make them change it. We have the power to control the country and it seems most people has forgotten that.

Theoretically yes, Practically no.

Name me one President/senator/governor who didn't have a business/industry bankrolling their campaign.

Talking of freedom, my country Nigeria just passed the freedom of information bill, but I think every one should be free to do whatever, he or she wants, I believe the greatest show of discipline is not when you're not allowed to do something but when you can do that thing and decide not to.

>>but I think every one should be free to do whatever, he or she wants

Right -- I should have the right to go into a school and shoot everyone. I should have the right to steal eveything I want from a grocery store. I should have the right to have sex with anyone I want whether they want to or not. I should have the right to cheat on school exams.

There are lots of things in this world that restrict our behavior. As someone once said, your rights stop at my nose.

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