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55 Posted Topics
Re: Posting in code tags would help and posting what line the error is in will also be helpful to those answering. The error is saying that you either haven't imported that package, or are trying to use one that doesn't exist. Thats just my guess :) as I'm fairly 'new' … | |
Re: There is a site that explains web crawlers a bit that I came across a few weeks back: [code]http://andreas-hess.info/programming/webcrawler/index.html[/code] Hope it is helpful | |
Re: [QUOTE=soteri0s;1128005] but it is possible to write a keylogger in java?[/QUOTE] I haven't done it, but I have seen someone create a program that included one before. It is much more common with other languages as mentioned above. | |
Re: I think the thread maker is wanting someone else to finish the project, which clearly won't happen here. Its not too hard to finish though, just make sure you get the values from the textfields, set up a few if else statements for the jbuttons and then make a class … | |
Alright well I decided I wanted to widen my learning a bit with java and decided I was going to write a program that had to do with networking side of things. It took me a little bit of time to come up with something, so I asked my friend … | |
I have a Tcp Client (in Java) and a Tcp Server (in Groovy) and I am having problems getting the Client to communicate properly. I believe the issues involve my client not being able to send information to the server. (My assumption is the problem is somewhere near [I]line 32[/I] … | |
Re: I find it interesting that the posts that were marked +rep and helpful were ones that didn't have anything to do with the topic but rather blasted the OP. I agree with some of the remarks that were made about the improper english. That type of typing/use of language is … | |
I seem to be having an issue with a program I am creating. It should be a simple program that sends commands from a Java program to a Groovy script (whether the script be on the same computer or another on the network) but I am running into some problems. … | |
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to using linux however I need to know a few things. (I'm very aware there are examples on the web for most of these, but I want to know how you guys personally prefer to go about these) 1) Find hard drive serial (SCSI) without … | |
Re: [QUOTE=claudiu_is;1171394]Thanks for the help.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure how itunes works but I'm thinking what you could do is create a jLabel and have a left mouse click play the song and a right click on the mouse would give you options. So maybe add a mouse listener to the jLabel … | |
Re: Why not go to user control panel and go to edit options and untick the box that allows the site to email you? Seems simpler for one to do rather than having an admin/mod go into the CP and remove every user that complains about it. Also, you posted it … | |
I have a question on how to get the index of a selected object. I'll briefly explain my project to help get a better understand of what I'm doing. I have created a simple object (named InfoObject) which is made up of 2 jTextfields and 1 jComboBox. I have added … | |
Re: I'm not quite sure what your issue is, the program you wrote seems to do what is requested. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but you are wanting it to do the following: [LIST] [*]Read input [*]Throw exception if its not a number [*]Upon 2 exceptions quit asking for input [*]Add … | |
I have a program where my JFrame contains a tabbed pane with 3 tabs, I am wanting to make it so that when tab1/jpanel1 is doubled clicked it displays the contents of the JPanel on the second monitor. In my case the second monitor will be a large plasma screen … | |
Re: [QUOTE=gedas;1132790] [CODE]private void initEntities() { ship=new ShipEntity(this,"spaceinvaders/ship.gif",380,550); entities.add(ship); [/CODE] sorry for being such a bother, but i really want to make this work and fully understand it thanks a lot for all your help so far.[/QUOTE] I believe Ezzaral was saying that you should create a simple .gif file that … | |
Re: Haven't really dealt with this before, but have you tried: JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE Not sure if the results will be different. Might have the main JFrame dispose of them both on exit | |
I'm wondering if it is possible to control certain aspects in my function. All my it does is control how an object gets placed on my gui. I'm wondering if there is a way to control [I]GridBagConstraints.fill[/I] and [I]GridBagConstraints.anchor[/I] [B][U]Function:[/U][/B] [code=java] public void gridBagControl(Component ob, JPanel p, Insets in, int … | |
Re: Count your brackets, chances are you are missing one ;) | |
Re: I'm not quite sure I understand your question exactly, but when you are overriding something there are infinite possibilities depending on what you are wanting to do. For instance, I have an object and I want to change how toString() works instead of just giving me random information. Lets say … | |
Re: In your post it says you need to use valueOf, however, if you aren't absolutely stuck on using that, you could probably use parseBoolean. Once you get whether it is true or false you could take that boolean and use parseBoolean on it and then use that string to print … | |
Re: I actually started a small html parser not long ago (never did get too specific with it, but was hoping on expanding it) Just a short snippet I pulled out from the link you are pulling the feed from: [code=java] <title>Reclusive author J.D. Salinger dies</title> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/books/01/28/salinger.obit/index.html?eref=rss_topstories</guid> <link>http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_topstories/~3/j6L8eXQWUIk/index.html</link> <description>J.D. Salinger, … | |
Re: I didn't check out the files you have attached, but my assumption is that you need to set the size of the fan. Personally I would just give your panel a gridbaglayout and set the weight x and weight y to your preference. | |
I have created a function that is supposed to go through a text file (csv) and read the information in it and then add it do a dataobject (which just holds the info in textfields and a combobox) which when filled adds itself to the jpanel. The issue I am … | |
Re: A good place to start would be in the book. Do you have any code started? If so, why not post it? No one here will do the work for you. Show some effort and then the great members here might put forth some effort to help you. Until then, … | |
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Re: What have you come up with thus far? Show us your code and perhaps we can help you. Or are you looking for a starting point? | |
Re: Set the frame to a set size (probably want to set both the minimum and maximum size just to be safe, although the maximum is the one you are looking for specifically) | |
This is sort of a follow up on my previous thread. I am looking into ways to click buttons, hyperlinks, or enter info into websites from a java program. So I have taken a look into the following site: [code]http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=java&seqNum=44[/code] The page explains how to use the yahoo search. Here … | |
I haven't ever messed with any webpages through java and I'm kind of curious as to how it would work. I have a specific question that perhaps someone will be able to answer. How would one go about pulling certain information from a forum? To better understand what I am … | |
Re: [QUOTE=sridhar123;1039215]Public final static Boolean FALSE=new Boolean(false); Public final static Boolean TRUE=new Boolean(true); what is the meaning of above two statements?[/QUOTE] There should be more code to go with this, otherwise it's pretty hard to tell what you are trying to accomplish. I'm also not quite sure why someone would want … |
The End.