31 Reputation Points
Ranked #806
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- +3
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- -0
100% Quality Score
- Upvotes Received
- 1
- Posts with Upvotes
- 1
- Upvoting Members
- 1
- Downvotes Received
- 0
- Posts with Downvotes
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- Downvoting Members
- 0
0 Endorsements
Ranked #27.9K
2 Posted Topics
Hi all, Thanks for the warm welcome already through the sign-up process. I freelance from home doing graphic design for web and print. I'm looking forward to interact with many, learn new things beyond my present expertise, and create cool things for artists online. And if I can help, I'll … | |
Hi all, I hope someone, or manyones, has something that could help me further my project. I presently operate a website which has over 50 artists, and each one offers 1 to 4 songs in an embedded mp3 player for free streaming. It's all legit, all permissions are obtained prior … |
The End.