743 Posted Topics
Re: The function first checks if magic quotes is enabled with `get_magic_quotes_gpc()`. magic quotes automatically escapes some special characters needed for user submitted data to be safe to save to a database. If magic quotes is turned off, the function then escapes all special chars in the `$_POST http vars`. the … | |
Re: HI, Im trying to learn .net. The programming language is really simple.. I have looked at code samples... but I just cant figure out how to put it on a webpage.. ? lol.. ok php.. PHP is complied at runtime. That means, you dont have to worry about compiling. All … | |
Re: [QUOTE=A Monkeys Uncle]I was told to do this: "Just paste the JavaScript code into the source code of the html page" Where exactly do I paste it?[/QUOTE] HI "a monkeys uncle" :) Your first post, you include a bit of php: <?php $olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0); include ("http://www.rssfeedreader.com/rss3/rss.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Frss.news.yahoo.com%2Frss%2Fvideogames&newpage=1&chead=&atl=&desc=&auth=&dts=1&width=250&max=10&tlen=33&rnd=1&bt=&bs=None&nmb=1&ntb=1&naf=1&nst=1&nwd=800&nht=600&dlen=85&lstyle=1&lc=%23cccccc&dlttime=0&bg=%23333333&bc=&spc=&ims=1&tc=%23ffffff&ts=9&tfont=Arial,+Helvetica,+Sans-serif&rf=".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."&phpout=1"); error_reporting($olderror_reporting); ?> First of … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Phaelax]This assumes the sentence ends with a period. I can't remember if this function will take an array of delimiters or not. [code] $strings = split(".",$summary); echo $strings[0]; [/code][/QUOTE] Don't think it will take an array of delimiters. But you could use: [code] $strings = preg_split("/.|;|:/",$summary); // delimiters . ; … | |
Re: In media I assume you mean audio and video. Audio and video can be embedded withing html, and played with the available media player on the visitors computer. There is no software for you to use. Once you embed the correct tags into html. The users computer will then select … | |
Re: [QUOTE=michael123]If I have an array $abc=[0,0,0,1,0,2]; how to change it to $abc=[1,2]; (remove all 0), is there php function can handle that? thanks.[/QUOTE] Im wondering... Is this any faster? [PHP]<?php function removeVal($array, $val) { $string = implode(',', $array); $new_string = str_replace($val.',', ',', $string); $new_array = explode(',', $new_string); return $new_array; } … | |
Re: [QUOTE=ayk-retail]I am selling vBulletin on eBay ([url]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5650034687[/url]) and am wondering if I have to contact vBulletin first before I transfer it. The reason I am selling it is because I have lost the need for it. Thanks, Avrom[/QUOTE] This really is a question for vbulletin support. :mrgreen: | |
Re: Hi Lexani, If you solve this please pm me. ;) I would like a html/javascript only solution to this if possible. Im wondering, how to you access images from a webcam? Thats all, the javascript, part is straight forward. How is it done in flash? java? laterz. | |
Re: I didnt go through the code. But $image=imageCreateFromJPEG(????); should take a string filename or the url to the jpg file. So shouldnt you move the uploaded file (in the temporary folder) to a permanent folder and use its path/url. Or just use the filepath to the temp file folder? :) | |
Re: I believe, you do not have GD support. This is one of the libraries that allow manipulation of jpg, gif, png images by php. YOu have to search google for, php GD instal, or something similar, and install the GD or GD2 library. You can also use Imagemagic. Search search … | |
Re: Hi J_ fopen allows you to append contnet to the beginning of the file by supplying 'r+' as the second param. Something like: [PHP] $logfile= 'log.txt'; $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $logdetails= date("F j, Y, g:i a") . ': ' . '<a href=http://dnsstuff.com/tools/city.ch?ip='.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' target=_blank>'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</a>'; // open the file for reading and writing … | |
Re: [QUOTE=StrikeFreedom]I tried the code with the modifications, but now it's only working when it's one word search, when I put two words it gives me this warning: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/comtact/public_html/search.php on line 100 It seems the loop isn't working if … | |
Re: Hi Harish, To assign the value of the email field to the username field, you would have to use javascript. It would be something like: (i havent tested the js) <script> document.forms['formname'].onsubmit = "assignUsername"; function assignUsername() { document.forms['formname'].username.value = document.forms['formname'].email.value; } </script> (you will have to change formname to the … | |
Re: [QUOTE=sarahk]cthackers, can you do my homework too please?[/QUOTE] Now apcxpc, you just gotta optimize your homework.. ;) | |
Re: [QUOTE=aarya]my login script working fine in my localhost. but when i hosted the site my session is not working.i have written session_start(); in my script i dont undertand y? weather all the php sites supports session.[/QUOTE] createa php file with the following code: [PHP]phpinfo();[/PHP] View the page in a browser. … | |
Re: I didnt know you could end php with php?>, but it works. Usually you just use ?>. Whe you say explorer, do you mean the browser, Internet Explorer? If you want php code to be evaluated when you view the file though Internet Explorer or any browser, you have to … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Patate]I have a web site with MSword documents. When I click on the links, it opens the document from inside the web browser. I was wondering how to do so that when you click the link it opens microsoft word. (Like when you have a link to a .wpt file, … | |
Re: [QUOTE=aarya]i m trying to compare 2 price for example when person enters min price as 3000$ and max price as $10000.and press search .it has to search all the price bewtween 3000$ to 10000$.i think the select option for price in cars.com best describe my problem i dont know how … | |
Re: [QUOTE=bobby9101]I need to create a form that has four fields in it. I need "Name", "E-Mail", "Comments", and "Picture". i have created three of the four fields, and need help with the fourth. How do I make it so that the guest can upload a picture. I need the form … | |
Re: [QUOTE=webmacker]Can anyone help me set up a forum site from either a drupal script or any other script from the net. My backsite knowledge is limited so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have registered a domain name and my ISP has mySQL and PHP etc. so I don't … | |
Re: [QUOTE=sunnypalsingh]I wanna know how to host wiki pages say on geocities or some place else..[/QUOTE] There are some smaller freehosting sites that allow you to use php, however, Geocities and most other free homepages dont allow you to have php pages, or other sever side processed pages saved by you. … | |
Re: Hi aarya, I posted a reply for you here [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread32816.html[/url] on your last post. However, it seems you want to get the data from your db. What you would need to do is to gather each listing from the db. And use a function like the following to create the … | |
Re: Hi aarya, :cheesy: The question really is why you want to convert the php pages to static html files, and if it is necessary. 1) [B]URL rewriting:[/B] The link you posted, though with an html extension, may actually be parsed by php. If this is the case, that means they … |