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2 Posted Topics
It is a grading system, but its not calulating the grades [ICODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #define max 2 void Cal_semester_Grade(char studname[][25],int gradeavg[][1],int examAvg[][1]); void Class_Grade(char studname[][25],char classname[5], int classgrd[][3],int gradeavg[][1], int Maxtestscr[][3],char subjectname[15],int classprectge[][3],int finalClassgrade[][1]); void Exam_Grade(char studname[][25], int examMarks[][2], int MaxExamTest[][2],int Examperctage[][2],int examAvg[][1],int finalExamgrade[][1],int paperweight[][2]); //void search_name(char); void Menu(); char … | |
I am trying to write a program for my school assignment, but this programming thing is extremely hard, so I am looking some help in getting it done. The program i am writing is a basic grading system, where it should show the students class, and grade, and also calculate … |
The End.