611 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for mordicaii

mmmm that is all said. One of MS big issue is automatic file exe without the consent of the admin. this is why its easy to hack-in. I have been hosting up 468 customers on my server and one thing i picked up 8 years ago was admin security. Dont …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dschuett

The USER ID is the ID part stating from your create query up there. To get there user id to link to the pictures tables. Now you must modify your insert statement to accommodate the picture table. there are several ways to do this. [CODE] $foo=insert into users values ('',bal,bal,bla); …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for khess

Firefox is far ahead of chrome. that is a fact. chrome get some few tricks and integrate in google's search. But browser support such as 1.css rendering, 2.Javascript 3.speed 4.stability. Firefox is robust. Safari and google stays the same as they use the same engine. that is webkit. Opera got …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for racoon8995

mmm simple. ubuntu 10.04. clever. Click on system, help and support. start learning from there. Also google on bash. You cant do much without bash in linux. And join the ubuntu group here ok.?

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for freeeasycoupons
Member Avatar for mohit007kumar00

Hello, if mysql server is running on the same machine,(pc). hostname","username","password","default schema". 1. Hostname is the host (pc) where the mysql server is. in this case, its localhost. 2.The username is the user(the mysql user account) default is root. 3. Password is the user's password( the mysql user account password). …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for akvlko

Hi, Paging script to function just like gmail to be precise? Please provide more information detailed about what you want. help is on the way.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for varunrathi
Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

When you reconnect to already existing mysql connection, you must select the database you want to work with again. This is a mechanism in the mysql engine. it drops the database that was already selected as it assumes you want to select a different database. There was no need for …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for curious_me

Do you really need the do-while iteration???? why not just code 1[CODE] While($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // BLA BLA BLA here. [/CODE] Also your form tag<form action="subjectload.php" method="POST" name="theForm" onsubmit="return validateFormOnSubmit(this)"> not good. The form opening and closing tags must always be outside the iteration and the body of the form inside unless …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for dschuett

This is quite simple. [CODE] //Function to do date. function foo($doo='1900') // default { //run for loop; $year= date("Y"); for($i=$doo,$<=$year;$i++){ // Now html select $select ="<select name ='foo'>"; $select.="<option value=$i>$i</option></select>"; } return $select; } This i hope will pull out the date for your select date needed by your customer. …

Member Avatar for richieking