17 Discussion / Question Topics
Remove Filter I deleted all my video a few years back and now need examples of my music video creation skills. I've tried several ways to get the videos back but I cannot even find their Youtube locators. Thanks for your time. | |
Is G+ the beginning of Social Networking 3.0? Is it better than Facebook? Why? What? ANYBODY!!!! | |
Well looks like Google (the company whose corporate motto is "Do no evil") was implicated by the Snowden leak as vastly co-operating with other Internet companies and the American government to find and collect as much international private data as possible about as many foreigners as posiible. Things like telephone … | |
**Search Engine Ads** - click-throughs generate revenues for the search engine (with little control of clicking trickeries seemingly). **Link Farms** - amasses links for a variety of revenue generating intent often through search engine ads click-throughs. **Dumpster Directories** - accepts links haphazardously for profit in one fashion or another often … ![]() | |
It's hard to imagine how such a simple Internet task could have evolved into one of the biggest social tragedies of our day. Ever since Google smashed the world with this PageRank nonsense, it seems the object of the growing Internet marketing world is to link, and incessantly they do. … | |
Note: A Green Hat SEO is someone who is relatively new to search engine optimisation and hasn’t much experience with the different SEO hat shades: white, grey and black hat search engine optimization techniques. They are usually wandering around, bewildered looking a bit, searching the Internet for some effective but … | |
I was reading about this Pinterest social media assimilator thingy and it somehow through links adds value to web pages. So I wanted to check it out and opened up an account. I can't figure out what it wants me to do with creating a board and such. Anyone use … | |
I was just reading the Toronto Star online and was pleased to see that Google’s ad network faces $500M U.S. probe. The probe is digging into whether Google unfairly ranks web pages higher in the results pages. Well, it's about time. Maybe the American Justice Department can do something about … | |
Anyone know why when I upload a tested video to Youtube it gets chopped up and small pieces get removed and spliced together causing the song to be even more unbearable that it would be naturally. The result of snipping and glueing makes my videos completely out of sinc with … ![]() | |
I have a quick question. I want to start a social networking site but haven't the foggiest clue how to do it. So I want something real easy, something my grandmother could figure out. Now, I know I'm going to need some kind of software for this and being the … | |
I started playing around with ranking videos on Youtube. I noticed that in the Youtube search results the keywords from the search are bolded in the Title and Description. I would magine the name of the video files is another factor. I also surmise that the newer videos get preference. … | |
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately; Google, Yahoo (theoretically) and Bing using our “Web History” in the innocent effort to continue providing us searchers the highest quality caliber organic results. Well, that’s a bunch of bullshit and I’ll tell you why. It’s not about any concern for my … | |
Don't think this is stupid. Very very important. Learn how to entitle/name your webpages. Descriptions too. Learn. Logically name your shit too, very important. | |
Google simply writes : "... Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links. ..." but then goes on to explain : … | |
The quality of the traffic derived from sponsored ads has diminished over the past couple of months. I've noticed this more with one of the search engine provider's of cost-per-click traffic services, more so than the other important one. When I check my server logs I see too many, of … | |
Hi everyone When I start a new web site promotion project one of the first thing, of course, is an anlysis to determine the most searched for keyphrases that are relevant and industry specific to the web site. I do this using the traditional tools available from the search engines … | |
Hi I've have about 20 hours a week available that I can offer someone needing SEO. All my existing clients are all satisfied with my help so far. View them, their primary and secondary keyphrases and all the important stats from my web site. Their web sites are at the … |