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62 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for bbinais

One thing I noticed is that you said the user has 3 tries to log in. A problem with that you aren't including a time limit for those tries- what if a user fails 3 tries over a period of 2 weeks? You don't want to lock them out for …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for maxlipman

Hello there, and welcome to DaniWeb. I'm not a moderator or anything other than a regular old poster here, but I can tell you that two things will not get you the help you are looking for: 1. Requesting things to be made for you. As I understand it, this …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dany12

For working on a few files or making quick edits, usually Notepad++ does just fine. When I'm working on a project, Netbeans is definitely my choice. Especially if I'm working with a 3rd party utility, API, or framework, I really appreciate that it gives me the ability to view in-line …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for imhunk

This is a pretty complex thing you're trying to pull off if you're planning on using all custom code. What I would do is create the OS and then use 3rd party (and open-source) code to include the features. The reason is just that building your own features (such as …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dualzNZ

These functions seem to be along the line of what you're looking for: * [strrpos]( *Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string* * [substr]( Return part of a string So, you could use `strpos` to find where the last `.` character occurs in the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

I would say it would be a concern. Generally, you want to keep the front end as far away from the back (eg. your database) end as possible. Especially if it's for ecommerce where you could be handling some sensitive data on your site (but even just in general), I …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for extjac

MySQLi (MySQL Improved) is a PHP driver for MySQL databases that offers functionality more commonly desired in Object-Oriented programming. It may be useful if you are using Object-Oriented PHP (OOPHP), but for smaller stuff it's mostly a matter of preference. The developers of PHP seem to recommend the MySQLi driver …

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for cmps

I'm a hobbyist-gone-pro, and I can share some of the feelings of intimidation when it comes to learning concepts like OOP, MVC, and new frameworks. I'd advocate for the approach where you do it yourself (at least the first time), especially with an MVC approach. It's incredibly valuable to be …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for codemonkey88

Can you provide which CMS you are using, or any code you are using to process the data submitted in your FCKeditor form? The issue is probably due to something with one (or both) of those two things, especially if your CMS (or one of its plugins) was updated recently. …

Member Avatar for codemonkey88
Member Avatar for vizz

[QUOTE=evstevemd;1695547]Suppose user have JS disabled![/QUOTE] I personally don't support non-JS browsers most of the time, and I'd agree with broj1's 3rd suggestion ("let know the user that he can not participate"). Many (most) sites are incredibly dependent on javascript to function properly, even if they do offer 'graceful degradation'. While …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Webxpres

Are you running this on a remote server or from your own machine's localhost? If you are testing on localhost (or if your remote server doesn't have PHP mail configured) you are likely to have issues sending mail.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jone kent

I seem to jump on threads that ardav has posted on a lot, but I wanted to chime in here just to advocate the usage of [I]print_r()[/I] and [I]var_dump()[/I] when struggling with an array-related issue. I consider these two functions to be extremely useful, and personally can say that once …

Member Avatar for jone kent
Member Avatar for asif49

If I'm reading this correctly, you have been able to split the string variable $str into an array. Assuming you have named the new array $str_array, you could do something like this: -Iterate through the array and for each value in $str_array, use strlen() to count the number of characters …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for jetlife76

I can see a problem with the structure of your if/else conditions. Currently your innermost code where you calculate [I]$time[/I] and [I]$walktime[/I] and print your outputs will only be executed if [I]$_POST['dal'][/I] and [I]$_POST['chi'][/I] are both set. If I'm understanding what you want to do correctly, the user would select …

Member Avatar for jetlife76
Member Avatar for jovypinoy

Some comments to document your code and a little bit of extra information about your specific question/issue would go a long way. I did read through the code you posted, but it's a bit unclear (to me, at least) as to what you are attempting to do (which is why …

Member Avatar for jovypinoy
Member Avatar for louie540

Definitely check out this link for extra info on usage and syntax: [url][/url] Using this will require a bit of knowledge of regex (REGular EXpressions), which can be a pain and confusing at first, but definitely good to be familiar with, as regex can be used in many languages. Essentially, …

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for calebcook

Not sure what you were trying to do, but since this forum is a community for learning, it would be nice if you could post your solution so that others could learn from it as well :)

Member Avatar for TySkby
Member Avatar for newbie14

You will need to set an event that fires when each button is clicked. You should give your buttons id attributes in their HTML tags. In the javascript, make a function that, depending on the id of the button that was clicked, appends the HTML for a new row consisting …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for TheNNS

What about listing each video link, and when the link is clicked it opens up in a foreground frame (eg. [URL=""]Fancybox[/URL]) that loads the video based on parameters sent to the frame via javascript? That way, when the foreground frame is closed, it could trigger a function that stops or …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for bipies

*Edit- I understand now after thoroughly reading page 2. I'm going to do some hunting- I wrote a PHP application that does almost this exact same thing. When I find it, I'll put a link to the source files if you'd like.

Member Avatar for bipies
Member Avatar for ebanbury

I know this is marked as solved but I've done this before and wanted to add my two cents if I may. I have a custom CMS that does this, and here is my process, which I feel is pretty simple, as all images can be in the same directory: …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for asif49

[QUOTE=asif49;1593728]I've set up a home server (as far as I know it's called that). I'm using xampp and use "localhost/" to access the page on google chrome. Are you saying that if this was hosted on the web then this problem would dissapear?[/QUOTE] Most likely. Every time I've encountered this …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

NetBeans, definitely. Others may say Eclipse or Aptana, but I personally prefer NetBeans for PHP. Netbeans also supports Zend, CodeIgniter, Symfony, as well as others via plugins.

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for ryan102

Don't replace the single quote with doubles, in line 20, the issue is with the double quotes in [B]border="0"[/B]. Those should be changed to single quotes, as seen here: [CODE]<?php $groupname = $_REQUEST['groupname'] ; $info = $_REQUEST['info'] ; $size = $_REQUEST['size'] ; $special = $_REQUEST['special'] ; $firstname =$_REQUEST['firstname'] ; $lastname …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Tehim

Can you be more specific about what you mean by "protecting"? Do you mean you want to hide/obscure the variable or its params from the user, or something else, like making your application securely use a $_GET variable?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for bangla

So, are you just wanting a counter for each page, or something that tracks the links that each individual visitor clicks on? So basically, is this site-specific or user-specific?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

You could make an object in JavaScript for each node you need and define whether it's an absolute parent (has no ancestors), a parent and a child, or an absolute chile (has no descendents). Then have a method that sets an array to define the arrays in parents, and when …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for diafol

Sorry that this is not completely specific to your problem, but since you said "Unfortunately, it's the regex I've been struggling with. I trying to do this 'a_key'(whitespace)=>(whitespace)'(content_to_replace)' for it, but I'm going around in circles." Might I suggest something like [URL=""]Regex Buddy[/URL]? Regex always hurts my head, and I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for klemme

[CODE=html] <form name=form1 method=post action=send_contact.php> <p>Emne:</p><input name=subject class=input type=text id=subject size=64> <br /><br /> <p>Forespørgsel:</p><textarea name=detail cols=50 rows=7 id=detail></textarea> <br /><br /> <p>Navn:</p><input name=name class=input type=text id=name size=64> <br /><br /> <p>Email:</p><input name=customer_mail class=input type=text id=customer_mail size=64> <br /><br /> <input type=submit name=Submit value=&nbsp;Send&nbsp;> <input type=reset name=Submit2 value=&nbsp;Ryd formen&nbsp;> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Dannis86

Quick question- are you accessing these pages with 'localhost' in your URL? The reason I ask is because you said you were getting the full code in Chrome, which shouldn't happen if you're accessing the pages through your Xampp server.

Member Avatar for Dannis86

The End.