Replied To a Post in How to remove white spaces from string
> I can find it in 10 seconds with Google, it doesn't need a discussion! I think I beat your time. Took me 6 seconds. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963182/how-to-remove-spaces-from-a-string-using-javascript -
Replied To a Post in What languages do you need to learn to be a web developer?
Come on. What are you asking? Do you need to be professional to earn money? It's in the word. Do you need to be the best? No, many mediocre developers … -
Replied To a Post in PHP Multiply Lists
You should load in all the words in a PHP array. As milil suggests, this will take up a lot of memory. Basically consider the size of your text file, … -
Replied To a Post in How to delete an element from an array?
It makes perfectly sense. Your delete function loops through your array, when it finds the element you want to delete it REPLACES this element with the previous element. If you … -
Marked Solved Status for Converting Java hash method to PHP
Hello, I hope someone is more knowledgeable in Java than me while still knowing PHP! The following Java code makes a hash from a string, and I need a PHP … -
Replied To a Post in Converting Java hash method to PHP
Thanks for all your answers. I was sure I tested whether the output from the Java code corresponded to PHP's `md5()` function, but apparantly I did something wrong. Because I … -
Marked Solved Status for Recognize hashed string
Hello Daniweb, I'm rebuilding a Flash-based website in PHP/HTML maintaining the same MySQL database. My problem now is, the user passwords are hashed of course - I need to use … -
Replied To a Post in Recognize hashed string
Update: I manage to verify that Java code does actually represent the hashing algorithm used by the Flash application. Mystery solved so far. Am opening a new thread as for … -
Created Converting Java hash method to PHP
Hello, I hope someone is more knowledgeable in Java than me while still knowing PHP! The following Java code makes a hash from a string, and I need a PHP … -
Replied To a Post in Recognize hashed string
So I found a piece of Java code in the folder with the Flash application. It has some MD5 going on. I have absolutely no clue if it is related … -
Created Recognize hashed string
Hello Daniweb, I'm rebuilding a Flash-based website in PHP/HTML maintaining the same MySQL database. My problem now is, the user passwords are hashed of course - I need to use … -
Replied To a Post in want nested views
I too think you need to use the OR operator. You can still use the and operator, like this SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 = 'something' AND field2 = … -
Replied To a Post in search a field for multiple words simultaneously
Are you simply asking for something like SELECT * FROM table WHERE word = 'Example' OR word = 'Another example' If not, I don't understand what you are asking for. -
Replied To a Post in How can another program affect other visually without communication among -
In short, this would be a bug. Too harmless for anyone to care go through the incredibly backtrace of debugging it. Thing is, graphics software and drivers are extremely complex … -
Replied To a Post in How to Remove Array
Your example makes little sense. You want to unset `$dates` but I don't see it's definition. If you are trying to unset the array you are currently looping through, then … -
Replied To a Post in how to use access database in visual studio 13 c++
You are not even mentioning what database type you would like to access. If you just need any, then have a look at [LiteSQL](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=litesql) - easy to use and first … -
Replied To a Post in get value from array
Your post is a bit confusing, also 'dfml' has 32 values, not 15. If you want to reference a specific key in an array you simply write `$arrayName['dfml']`. If you … -
Replied To a Post in Debuging with Netbeans
Your code is very messy in my opinion, so a quick glance does not find me your unexpected end of file. Note it could be a problem if your file … -
Replied To a Post in Value to display in another textbox using ajax for dynamic textbox
Hi there, When you are updating the text hint with Ajax, your Javascript code looks for the first element with `ID="txtHint"`. But you are creating multiple elements with `ID="txtHint"` and … -
Replied To a Post in Importing database onto the server (000webhost)
Hi there, I think you are trying to import your SQL data into the database 'world', which is highly unlikely yours. With your web host you will have both MySQL … -
Replied To a Post in how to rewrite php font website url
Welcome to Daniweb. Your post is very lacking - please read: http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/435023/read-this-before-posting-a-question I assume you are referring to something like Apache mod_rewrite (nicknamed prettyurls), but am not going to try … -
Replied To a Post in Count form clicks and updating MySQL databases
Hi there. I assume you are using PHP as your programming language. You must use PHP to develop the logic of finding out whether or not something has been clicked … -
Replied To a Post in PHP and SQl connect
To be honest, your question is a piece of ****. You should read the posts on how to write posts. Your post exclaims that you are getting stressed about your … -
Replied To a Post in textbox validation Not Properly Working
Please improve your post and I will gladly help. You should always make it as easy for someone to help you, if you want them to answer your question - … -
Replied To a Post in how to create report in php
To be honest, your question is a piece of ****. You should read the posts on how to write posts. First of all you are referring to a report. Which … -
Replied To a Post in BLOB to human readable?
Unserealizing the BLOB byte data would be done in a program, probably just like you turned it into bytes in the first place. I don't think there is a way …