2,040 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for CleverSunshine

[QUOTE]You are to create a console application that accepts exactly one command-line argument. If it doesn’t receive the argument, the application must display an error message and exit.[/QUOTE] What language specified by the assignment? It does not look like JavaScript or PHP because of the word 'command-line' and 'console application'. …

Member Avatar for CleverSunshine
Member Avatar for msalvador

The reason may be that your element ID cannot be found in HTML; as a result, JavaScript will stop working right where the error is found. Here is an example for fixing it. [CODE] function changeCategory() { // you don't need to call getElementById all the time, you can assign …

Member Avatar for msalvador
Member Avatar for FudgeCoder

The top part is declared as function prototype, so compiler knows that you have the function's definition afterward and keep the information for use later. Only the prototype can be declare without variable name, but it would be more clear if both have the exactly the same declaration (easier to …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for bubacke

I thought that C++ has short-circuit condition checker... Could you try if(v.size()>2 && v[2]==3) to see if it works? Not sure if the 2<v.size() is the problem.

Member Avatar for bubacke
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

Which library are you using for memory-mapped file? If you use Unix, you could look at [URL="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/mmap.html"]here[/URL]. If you are using Windows, you could check [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa914405.aspx"]here[/URL]. It depends on your choice. PS: Your code comment is not really what they call comments. You may need to read how to make …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for nizuya

I think the problem you are facing is the syntax. When you declare/initiate an empty array object in javascript, it would be as followed: [CODE]var anArray = new Array();[/CODE] But if you want to use a hash, you can simply call it as followed: [CODE] var anObj = new Object(); …

Member Avatar for nizuya
Member Avatar for kiwimoosical

[QUOTE]1. I cant get my program to produce decimals, I have tried using "float" but that didn't work so i don't know how to fix that. [/QUOTE] Because you declare a & b as integer, your result will also be integer as well. [QUOTE] 2. I don't know how to …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for tsharma14
Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Staccs

It seems to me that certain part of your js code is not compatible with IE. Cross-browser coding is not simple but not impossible. I cannot tell you how to fix it because I do not see your js code. On IE, you don't have Firebug to show you where …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for seanooi

If you want to implement it from scratch, you could use CSS with opacity or color depending on how you want the fading to be. It is not difficult, but you need to understand how to manipulate element properties that you are working on. Also, it requires setTimeout to imitate …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Knb1

I am guessing that you are using frame in this case because you do not provide any code but description which is not totally clear to me. The easiest way is to create another js file with the piece of codes you want from the js file used in index.htm, …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for nlanka

Both javaAddict and Iambing are correct. One more suggestion is that you should not heavily rely on w3schools website because certain information on that site is outdated. Just use Google if whatever on that site does not work for you.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Santho786

Not sure if this code works on IE because of insertRow() function... I do not have time to show you right now. Will try to get to it once I have some times. Though, one comment on 'indexSearch' function. You should do binary search for that because the array is …

Member Avatar for Santho786
Member Avatar for nonshatter

You could accomplish by assigning style sheet to it in order to show & hide. Because IE use 'visibility' in the inline style while FF and others use 'display', using class instead would eliminate the problem (FF accepts 'visibility' in the class but not inline. The codes below are 2 …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy

Could you please show your code? It is very difficult to pinpoint what portion of your code that may not be compatible with IE from what you explain.

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

You cannot just change the image URL source using JavaScript because those images are not dynamically loaded. If you want to do it dynamically, you should use Ajax. There are many ways to do this, but I will show you one way using JavaScript. All images need to be loaded …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for runey71

Are you using IE8 on Window 7? If so, the IE8 has some kind of problem playing sound. You could google and find how others discuss about this issue.

Member Avatar for runey71
Member Avatar for ms_sws

You may get some idea from [URL="http://www.codetoad.com/forum/14_18720.asp"]this forum[/URL]. The person is trying a similar way. If it is not what you are looking for, please ignore it.

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for harry010

Are you looking for a way to use regex to substitute only the portion of the text? You can use match(regex) for any string. If it match, it will return something; otherwise, it returns null. If you add option 'i' to the match as str.match(/str/i), it would ignore case. For …

Member Avatar for harry010
Member Avatar for albertkao

I may have to pass because I do not have access to your Cookie.js. I do not know what kind of the object created by the js file. As a result, I have no idea how it is implemented and cannot do the test of your provided code.

Member Avatar for albertkao
Member Avatar for ms_sws

JavaScript is not designed to access local file due to security; however, Microsoft with ActiveX can access local file system. If you want to know how to do it, you may look at [url]http://www.c-point.com/JavaScript/articles/file_access_with_JavaScript.htm[/url] for the way to do it. I am not sure other browsers have created anything like …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for AdRock

The easiest way to check whether your js is coded the way FF can interpreted is to use Firebug. From what I tested, document.vacanciesTable may be your problem. I am not sure you can directly access a HTML element that way in FF. You should use an ID or pass …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for ItecKid

Your question is a bit unclear to me. You want to have clicking areas (div) and add the value into a text field? Anyway, the sample html page which includes everything is below. This is just a simple adding text from your 'onclick' to the 'text field' or 'text area' …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Atomika3000

Is the page static? What I mean is that do you need to reload the whole page again after a set of data is entered? If not, you can create a global variable or a javascript object to store the data each time a user adds the value. Then draw …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for g0pal

Look at [URL="http://www.javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/javascript-email-form.phtml"]http://www.javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/javascript-email-form.phtml[/URL]. It may be what you are looking for.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for farmgirl69

This is Javascript forum, not Java. They are two different languages. Anyway, it looks like something like your homework. What you need to understand is what findGross() and findNet() are going to produce. They are methods you need to implement using existing instance variable declared above.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for NoziphoR

Those images won't work by changing only image URL source because they are not loaded onto the page. JavaScript is not Ajax that sends request to the server to return the image. You need to load all images and hide those you don't want to be displayed. Then use Javascript …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for chakde

Not sure what you really want here. You are sending the number of guest to the script, but you are trying to loop through 15 or 16 times? The code below is what I am guessing what you are trying to do. gm() function works with 'onchange', so you don't …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol

Err... The post was created 6 years ago, and last reply before you did was 4 years ago...

Member Avatar for Gazco
Member Avatar for nelly_1005

7 years old thread... You should create a new thread instead of hijack an extremely old thread...

Member Avatar for pravsaugat