sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Reference_Number, Year, Title, Surname," + _
"FirstName, Date_of_Birth, Origin, Phone, State_Deployed, Facility_Deployed FROM HEALTHWORKERS" + _

a silly mistake.. you forgot a space between "FROM HEALTHWORKERS" AND "WHERE"

JUST change your query to :

.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Reference_Number, Year, Title, Surname," + _
                "FirstName, Date_of_Birth, Origin, Phone, State_Deployed, Facility_Deployed FROM HEALTHWORKERS " + _
sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

i think you are trying to connect to sqlexress instance of sql 2008 server.

do u have sql 2008 installed???

sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

A Function To Concat String Array Values By Specified Delimiter

Let 's Say I have Following Array:

string[] st = new string[5];
st[0] = "Animation";
st[1] = "Action";
st[2] = "Romance";
st[3] = "Drame";
st[4] = "Comedy";

Now I want to Merge all of it with ',' Delimiter Like Below:

Output : Animation,Action,Romance,Drame,Comedy

We will Call it Like This:
string str = GetAllStringsFromArrary( st,",");

Check here for better understanding: [snipped]

nick.crane commented: use string.Join!! -2
sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz


You will need Taglib - Sharp Library for this purpose .

For Complete understanding and project Download Go to: [snipped]

sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

use below library

sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

use this:

decimal moneyvalue = 1921.39m;
            string html = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C}", moneyvalue);
            textBox1.Text = html;
codeorder commented: c# code in forum +0
sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz

did you use inbuilt visual studio deployment option..?

sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz
sandeepparekh9 109 Posting Whiz


suppose your dataset is DS

check this kind of condition..

if DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count >0 then

"load your report"


MessageBox.Show("Nothing to Print")

End IF