23 Discussion / Question Topics

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Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, Thank you for your time. I know it is possible to create an exit button using javascript but this only work in ie browsers and not what i want(i found a fix for it but isnt very good), can somebody please show me a better way of closing all …

Member Avatar for qwsa
Member Avatar for brynFlew

hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me find a way to allow a user to click items in a combo box and have its value populate an input field. Thanks

Member Avatar for Samanalevi
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, I am having trouble finding a good tutorial on how to install eclipse with aptana radrails on centos, when i try to install radrails in eclipse using the instructions givin here ([aptana](http://www.aptana.com/downloads/start)), i get these errors. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks :) An error occurred …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, I have 3 boxes on my website one 20x20 one 42x42 and the main picture which is 120x120. Images that are over 1mb cause the web site to load very slowly and i don't want to restrict the user to have to make a custom profile picture they should …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

i am fixing a computer and backed up files on the drive then reinstalled the os, after the reinstall the harddrive started to make a clicking noise and wont boot, is this drive broken now? all i did was reinstall the os and take a few files off. am i …

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for brynFlew

I have a 1.5 terabyte hdd with windows 7 loaded on it but recently got a ssd drive and installed that as the system drive. All worked fine for a few weeks, but i plugged my blue ray player in and i think what happened was the paging files were …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

I have made a very simple dice game, How can i output the results of the dice using this format. Thanks for your time. [CODE] ========== | 0 | | | | 0 | ========== ========== | 0 0 | | 0 0 | | 0 0 | ========== [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for brynFlew

is it possible to create a table inside a html dropdown ? sort of like this(doesnt work) [CODE]<select style="" name="test" id="test" param=test> <option name="scrapCode" id="scrapCode" property="scrapCode" param="scrapCode" value=""> <table> <caption>Animal groups</caption> <colgroup> <col span="3"/> <col class="alternative" /> </colgroup> <tr> <th>Apes</th> <th colspan="2">Cats</th> <th style="background: #ddf;">Dogs</th> <th>Lemurs</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Gorilla</td> <td>Tiger</td> …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

I have a table and need 2 rows merged horizontally, come somebody help me do this i seem to be having some difficulties. Here is my source and a screen attached. The green line in the image is where i want to split the cell. Thanks [CODE] <table id="dataTable" cellspacing="0" …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Is it possible to create javaBeans dynamically instead of writing each get and set per jsp property, they generate themself?

Member Avatar for brynFlew

is it possible to use a jsp page with a java bean to get values dynamically. ie: the name is incremented each time but i need the gets and sets for each property to get their values and set them on the bean, can i do this dynamically? Thanks [CODE]<td><p …

Member Avatar for brynFlew

I have some code that adds and removes rows from html tables, the problem is that it does not save the rows if the page is submitted or refreshed. I also cannot see the added attributes in the source(how can i use them)what their ids and names are, so i …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, im trying to convert an old vb project from 2008 to 2010. Ive tried using vb 2010's convert wizard aswell as changing the .sln file manually. When i try to convert the project automatically using the wizard it gives me an error saying that the project type is not …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

I am trying to pass multiple values to a crystal report using java and jsp pages. I can get it working using single values but I need to pass multiple values that are comma delimited or something along that line. I pass a toDate a fromDate and userName. I need …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, I have a barcode scanner and when a field is scanned it should autotab to the next field for population. I have tried this before but cannot seem to get it to work the way I would like. It should auto tab if the field in not null, i …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, does anyone know a simple way to focus on a different text field after the user enters data in the first text field? Thanks.

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, does anybody know a simple way to strip the leading zeros out of a string? I have tried [CODE]userName.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "");[/CODE] but cant seem to make it work, any ideas? Thanks. correction, this work.. [CODE]userName = userName.replace("0", "");[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, i have been stuck on this for a while and is costing me alot of time. Can somebody please help me understand why in the eclipse ide under the project properties options, J2EE Module Dependencies, when i try and work with jar files placed under the file path [COLOR="Red"]\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, does anyone have an example of radio buttons working with a java bean. It would help out allot. Thank you

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

How do i share variables between java beans, do i need to use jspGet property on the second jsp and re-set it, or can i skip that and do it another way. i need to get a value from my login.jsp and UserDataBean to my process.jsp and my MyFormBean so …

Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to restrict the values of a text input box to only accept set values such as "XBC1". I am trying to make a form for a scanner so you can scan bar codes and it will auto fill the form out and …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, thanks for your time. Jsp + javaBean will not run in tomcat on local host [url]http://localhost:8080/is/scannerForm/process.jsp[/url], when i run it in eclipse though my local tomcat it actually does work and i can step through the jsp page as-well as the .java pages and i can see where they …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for brynFlew

Hello, and thank you for youre time, I have a problem with my jsp application, when i try to get the values from the html form on the jsp page process.jsp, it sets the values of each element but then does not return them to the java page. It keeps …

Member Avatar for peter_budo